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yīng yīng
  • sound of chirping/whispering/sobbing
嘤嘤 [yīng yīng]
  • [chirping or slight voice] 象声词,形容鸟叫声或低而细微的声音

  • 鸟鸣嘤嘤

  1. 花园里万紫千红,鸟鸣嘤嘤。

    The gardens blazed with colour and throbbed with birdsong .

  2. 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时嘤嘤地道谢。

    Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave .

  3. 嘤嘤低语柔情地低声表达或说出。

    To express or utter with soft murmuring sounds .

  4. 她独自嘤嘤了一阵。

    She keened to herself for a moment .

  5. 好老头贝尼特斯也在安菲尔德嘤嘤哭泣。

    And good old Rafa seems to be teetering on the brink over at Anfield .

  6. 通过阻止或减轻耳鸣(耳朵里嘤嘤嗡嗡的声音),眩晕(头晕眼花)来改善听力。

    Improves hearing function by preventing or relieving tinnitus ( ringing / buzzing in the ears ) and vertigo ( dizziness ) .

  7. 本日大地在太阳光里背我嘤嘤哼叫,像一个织着布的妇人,用一种曾经被忘怀的说话,哼着一些现代的歌直。

    The earth hums to me today in the sun , like a woman at her spinning , some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue .

  8. 他在那儿站了一会儿,谛听着蜜蜂嘤嘤的叫声,光亮和幸福使他眼花缭乱,美丽的鲜花令他陶醉。

    He stood there a moment , dazzled by the light and his happiness , intoxicated by the beauty of the flowers listening to the buzzing of the honeybees .

  9. 我感觉脸上像被人扇了几个耳光,火辣辣地痛,耳畔也似有千万只蜜蜂嘤嘤嗡嗡地叫,眼前的啥东西都变成双份。

    After hearing it , my faces seemed to be slapped and got a searing pain , while there seemed to be millions of bees humming around my ears , and everything in front of me seemed to be doubled .