
shānɡ pǐn shì chǎnɡ
  • commodity market
  1. 我国已加入WTO,世界商品市场的变化将对我国经济发展产生更为重要的影响,加快发展商品期货市场已迫在眉睫。

    The world commodity market has produced more important influence on our country 's economic development with our country 's entry of WTO .

  2. 就连股市也反映出大宗商品市场的回暖。

    Even stocks point to an improvement in the commodity market .

  3. 试图垄断悬浮滑板商品市场的公司推出的产品还有Hovertrax,Cyboard和FutureFoot。

    Among the other products companies are using in an attempt to corner the market are the Hovertrax , Cyboard and Future Foot .

  4. 上述数据显示,美联储(fed)可能不会那么热衷于大幅降息,同时美元汇率有所反弹,这一因素应该会导致大宗商品市场走弱。

    The data suggested that the Federal Reserve may not be so keen to cut US interest rates aggressively , and the dollar rallied a factor that should weaken commodity markets .

  5. 美联储(Fed)为疏通信贷市场而采取的最新举措推动了市场繁荣,但尽管如此,那些只要随意投资商品市场就能轻松获益的日子已一去不复返了。

    In spite of the boom prompted by the Federal Reserve 's latest measures to unblock credit markets , the days of easy profits from almost indiscriminate investing in commodity markets are over .

  6. 尽管越来越多的投资者涌入大宗商品市场,IMF仍重申了自己的观点,即在大宗商品价格形成方面,起主要作用的仍然是供需基本面,而不是金融投资。

    In spite of rising investor flows to commodities markets , the IMF reiterated its view that demand - and supply-related fundamentals , rather than financial investment , continue to play the dominant role in commodity price formation .

  7. 联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)认为,由于人口变动和收入快速增长,发展中国家对大宗商品市场走势的影响力正在迅速上升。

    The United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organization believes that as a result of population dynamics and rapid income growth , the role of developing countries in commodities market developments is increasing at a rapid pace .

  8. 重庆旅游商品市场现状及开发策略

    Current market situation and exploitation strategy for tourism goods of Chongqing

  9. 所以,你仍能享受商品市场的炙手可热。

    You can still enjoy the glow of the commodity market .

  10. 单一商品市场中价格波动模型的理论分析

    Theory Analysis of Price Fluctuation Model in a Single Commodity Market

  11. 峨眉山旅游商品市场开发的思考

    Thinking on the Development of the Tourist Merchandise Market of E-mei Mountain

  12. 究其原因,商品市场和融资市场的双重失灵。

    The reason is double failure of financing market and commodity market .

  13. 武汉市小商品市场发展与管理创新问题

    On the Development and Management Innovation of Petty Commodity Markets in Wuhan

  14. 商品市场中介效率的博弈论分析

    Game Theory Analysis of Intermediary 's Efficiency in Commodity Market

  15. 海南旅游商品市场分析及其发展对策

    The tourist commodity market in Hainan : analysis & countermeasures for development

  16. 快速消费品和相对廉价商品市场更易于管理。

    Markets in fast-moving and relatively cheap goods are easiest to police .

  17. 在中国商品市场中有一个特殊的市场&古玩市场。

    There is a special market existing in China .

  18. 论天然气商品市场的形成

    A Discussion on the Formation of Natural Gas Market

  19. 河北省商品市场监管制度研究

    Research on the Supervising and Managing System of Merchandise Market in Hebei Province

  20. 提高大宗商品市场的透明度和竞争性,符合全球的共同利益。

    More transparent and competitive commodity markets are in the global public interest .

  21. 一公司产品的销售总额在某一特定商品市场上所占的百分比。

    A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company .

  22. 玲琅满目的小商品市场。

    Market of small commodities sells all sorts goods .

  23. 中国基金正在成为全球大宗商品市场上受到密切关注的资金。

    Chinese funds are becoming the money to watch in the global commodities markets .

  24. 共生性商品市场扩散机制研究

    The Approach to the Market Diffusion Mechanism of " Co - existing " Products

  25. 建立旅游商品市场管理机构;

    Establish management institution of tourism commodities market ;

  26. 大宗商品市场可能出现了小型泡沫,而中国的囤货行为又进一步刺激了泡沫的膨胀。

    There may be a mini-bubble in commodities , additionally inflated by Chinese hoarding .

  27. 中国商品市场的发育与完善

    Growth and Perfection of China 's Commodity Market

  28. 我国商品市场波动的可运行区间研究

    On the Practical Range of Commodities Market Fluctuation

  29. 论数字图书馆知识商品市场运营

    On the Knowledge Commodity Marketing in Digital Libraries

  30. 信息商品市场的发展必将成为强大的信息需求推动力量。

    The information commodity market development will certainly into the formidable information need impelling force .