
zuò bǐ tǎn
  • Zolpidem
  1. 高效液相荧光色谱法测定人血浆中唑吡坦的浓度

    Determination of Zolpidem in Human Plasma by HPLC with Fluorescence

  2. 唑吡坦对大鼠下丘脑内睡眠相关基因表达的影响

    Effect of zolpidem on the expression of sleep-related genes in the hypothalamus

  3. HPLC法测定酒石酸唑吡坦口腔崩解片的含量

    Determination of Zolpidem Tartrate Orally Disintegrating Tablets by HPLC

  4. 采用红外光谱、差示扫描量热法和粉末X射线衍射技术等研究酒石酸唑吡坦原料药的多晶型问题。

    Its structure was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction , elemental analysis , high performance liquid chromatography , and differential scan calorimetry .

  5. 目的:采用毛细管区带电泳色谱法(CZE)测定酒石酸唑吡坦的含量,并对其中的降解产物进行控制。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a CZE method for the determination of zolpidem tartrate and its decomposition products .

  6. 在那个时候,FDA要求额外的数据证明按照它草拟的标签唑吡坦第二天残余效应不会导致无法接受的风险。

    At that time , the FDA requested additional data demonstrating that zolpidem does not present an unacceptable risk for next-day residual effects when used according to its proposed label .

  7. 酒石酸唑吡坦于1992年在美国作为安必眠(欧洲赛诺菲-安万特集团)被批准,该声明指出,Intermezzo是唑吡坦一个小剂量的配方。

    Zolpidem tartrate was first approved in the United States in1992 as Ambien ( sanofi-aventis ), the statement notes ; Intermezzo is a lower-dose formulation of zolpidem .

  8. 结果与安慰剂相比,唑吡坦对中枢能力产生明显不良影响:心理运动能力呈下降趋势、双重任务正确率明显降低(P<0.05)、主观嗜睡度显著增加(P<0.05),用药后约6h恢复正常;

    Results Compared with administration of placebo , the psychomotor performance and correct rate of dual task were significantly lowered ( P < 0.05 ) and subjective sleepiness was significantly increased ( P < 0.05 ) after administration of zolpidem and restored to normal 6 h later .

  9. 酒石酸唑吡坦双脉冲控释微丸的研制

    Preparation of Double Pulse Control Release Pellets of Zolpidem Tartrate

  10. 唑吡坦是阿普兰最成功的药品是吗

    Zolpidem is Upland 's most successful drug , isn 't it ?

  11. 吃了他们生产的唑吡坦后他的妻子产生了幻觉

    His wife suffered a hallucination after taking their sleeping pill , Zolpidem .

  12. 酒石酸唑吡坦口溶片的生物等效性评价

    Bioequivalence evaluation of zolpidem tartrate mouth-dissolving tablets

  13. 目的比较酒石酸唑吡坦和思诺思片治疗失眠的疗效。

    Objectives To compare the efficacy of zolpidem tartrate and stilnox in the treatment for insomnia .

  14. 两项临床研究进行了评估,在与唑吡坦治疗慢性失眠患者。

    Two clinical studies were conducted to evaluate zolpidem in the treatment of patients with chronic insomnia .

  15. 唑吡坦是一个联邦政府控制的药品,因为它会被滥用或导致的依赖,声明指出。

    Zolpidem is a federally controlled substance because it can be abused or lead to dependence , the statement notes .

  16. 研究者证实,脑额皮质区活性增加与使用唑吡坦后改善的认知表现有关。

    The authors demonstrated increased brain activity in the frontal cortex , which is associated with higher cognitive performances , with zolpidem .

  17. 目的:比较国产唑吡坦片与进口唑吡坦片治疗失眠症的疗效和不良反应。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy and adverse effects between home zolpidem ( nuobin ) and imported zolpidem in the treatment of insomnia .

  18. 声明指出,妇性的推荐剂量低,是因为女性从身体里清除唑吡坦的速率比男人低。

    The recommended dose for women is lower because women clear zolpidem from the body at a lower rate than men , the statement notes .

  19. 剂量的唑吡坦均优于睡眠潜伏期,高效,持续时间,等待时间,质量和数量的觉醒安慰剂。

    All of the zolpidem doses were superior to placebo for sleep latency , efficiency , duration , latency , quality , and number of awakenings .

  20. 研究者系统的评估了唑吡坦在运动和认知功能方面的作用,并用正电子体层扫描探究其在脑活性方面的作用。

    The researchers systematically assessed the effect of zolpidem on motor and cognitive function and explored its effect on brain activity using positron emission tomography ( PET ) scans .

  21. 以6-甲基-2-(4-甲基苯基)-咪唑并[1,2-a]吡啶为起始原料,经缩合、氯化、脱氯、成盐等步反应制得酒石酸唑吡坦,总收率为35.7%。

    Objective : To prepare compound Zolpidem Tartrate . Methods : The compound was synthesised from 6-methyl-2 ( 4-methylphenyl ) imidazo pyridine via condensation , chlorination , dechlorination , and formation of tartrate salt .

  22. 其中扎来普隆组24例(5~10mg/d),唑吡坦组24例(10mg/d),共治疗2周。

    The 24 cases of total patients were treated with zaleplon ( 5 ~ 10 ? mg / d ) and the others were treated with zolpidem ( 10mg / d ) for 2 weeks .

  23. 自杀二年后,因为失眠她开始服用唑吡坦,服药后20分钟,她就能够与家人交流,自己吃饭和移动。

    Two years after the suicide attempt , she was given zolpidem for a bout of insomnia ; 20 minutes later , she was able to communicate to her family , eat by herself , and move .

  24. 研究结果显示服用唑吡坦后,患者能站立并行走,重复词语和句子,读词语及命名物品,但她没有自发语言。

    The results showed that after receiving zolpidem , the patient was able to stand up and walk , repeat words and sentences , read words , and name objects , although she was not able to speak spontaneously .