
  • 网络Lake Khasan;Khasan
  1. 随后他们给湖改了名字,管它叫'喀布尔的苏丹阿米尔和哈桑之湖'。我们向那些到湖里游泳的人收钱。

    They change the name of the lake after that , and call it the ' Lake of Amir and Hassan , Sultans of Kabul , ' and we get to charge people money for swimming in it .

  2. 随后他们给湖改了名字,管它叫'喀布尔的苏丹阿米尔和哈桑之湖'。我们向那些到湖里游泳的人收钱。“

    ater . They change the name of the lake after that , and call it the ' Lake of Amir and Hassan , Sultans of Kabul , ' and we get to charge people money for swimming in it . "