
Hā ěr bīn shì
  • Harbin City
  1. 基于GIS的哈尔滨市阿城城区基准地价更新研究

    Research on Basic Land Price Update of Acheng District in Harbin City Based on GIS

  2. 哈尔滨市大气中PM(10)的灰色预测

    Grey Forecast of PM_ ( 10 ) in Atmosphere in HarBin City

  3. 哈尔滨市水环境与生态环境耦合的GIS技术

    GIS applying in couple map of city water and ecological environment

  4. 地理信息系统GIS在哈尔滨市市郊农电局应用

    Application of GIS in harbin outskirts agricultural power supply bureau

  5. 基于GIS哈尔滨市土地管理信息系统的开发

    The Development for Land MIS of Harbin Based on GIS

  6. GPS技术在哈尔滨市地铁一号线施工控制网中的应用

    Application of GPS Technique in Establishing the Control Network of Construction for the Project of Harbin Subway Line 1

  7. 浅论哈尔滨市基础空间地理信息系统建设&谈组件式GIS的现状与未来

    Discussion on The Construction of Harbin City Basic Geomatics System & The Present Situation and Future of the Component GIS

  8. 概述了哈尔滨市煤气老管网现状及老管网供气存在的问题与隐患,并从技术角度阐述了管网改造的必要性及建议。NET框架对XML数据的访问。

    Summarizing the problems and hidden troubles of Harbin old gas-pipeline net , expounding the necessary of gas-pipeline net alteration , and advising .

  9. 提出哈尔滨市CAD应用技术推广、普及和深层次发展的对策和建议。

    Meanwhile . the countermeasure and proposal of the popularization . dissemination and development towards deeper grades of CAD were put forward .

  10. 对地形图进行矢量化,得到了哈尔滨市的数字高程模型(DEM)。

    The Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) was obtained by vectorizing the topographic map .

  11. 结论通过哈尔滨市新生儿脐带血TSH研究,为建立适合我国实际情况的新生儿脐带血TSH切点值提供了科学依据。

    Conclusions The study reveals scientific basis on building neonatal cord blood TSH cut off .

  12. 由此可见,柯萨奇B组病毒和腺病毒均为哈尔滨市儿童急性病毒性心肌炎的重要病原。

    Therefore , the authors have reached the conclusion that , in Harbin City at least , Coxsackie B Group Virus and Adenovirus might be the principal causative pathogens for children 's acute viral myocarditis .

  13. 目的了解哈尔滨市学龄儿童的体质指数(BMI)和生活作息状况,发现存在的问题。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate Body Mass Index ( BMI ) and the relationship with daily life system of school-age students in Harbin .

  14. 建立基于复合DEA方法的科技支持能力评价模型,对我国15个副省级城市进行评价,提出加强哈尔滨市科技支持体系建设的对策建议。

    Designed compound DEA model , appraised 15 vice-provincial cities , and put forward suggestion on strengthening Harbin 's support system of science & technology .

  15. 从实际应用的角度出发通过使用GPS全球定位系统进行哈尔滨市7381地下人防工程隧道测绘,表明GPS具有高精度、全天候、高效率、多功能、操作简便、应用广泛等特点。

    Discussion is made on the characteristics of GPS , such as the precision , all-weather , efficiency , multi-function , user-friendly , which is applied in tunnel mapping for Harbin subway engineering 7381 .

  16. 因为家境贫寒,他读完初中就辍学到哈尔滨市第五针织厂当工人,franklinmarshall。

    Due to his needy family , he had to drop out from middle school and became a worker in a knitting factory .

  17. 目的应用数据包络分析(DEA)方法评价哈尔滨市三级医院的效率,为医院管理提供依据。

    Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the tertiary hospitals by using the data envelope analysis ( DEA ) in order to provide methodological basis for hospital management .

  18. 哈尔滨市土壤与大气中OCPs和BFRs分布特征及源汇分析

    Distribution Characteristics and Analysis of Source Fate for OCPs and BFRs in Soil and Atmosphere of Harbin

  19. 其三,通过分析,发现哈尔滨市耕地集约利用水平与其PSR系统的协调度成正相关。

    The third , by analysis found that the intensive use of land in Harbin PSR system and the level of coordination was positive correlation .

  20. 在具体评价城镇居民消费质量时,本文分别使用Logistic回归分析和判别分析来建立哈尔滨市城镇居民消费质量判别函数。

    In evaluating consumption quality of urban residents of Harbin , the paper separately uses Logistic regression analysis and discriminant analysis to establish the discriminant function of the urban residents ' consumption quality on the basis of Harbin , respectively .

  21. 尽管哈尔滨市可以见到许多的国外物业管理模式,如英国的“管家式”、美国的“FM”式物业服务,但都并不完全适于我们的国情、市情。

    Though there have already been several models implored from the foreign countries , such as the FM from America , they seem not to conform to the conditions in our country , let alone Harbin .

  22. 方法通过对2000年1~12月哈尔滨市某大医院的脑血栓病人与气象因素的灰色关联分析,计算灰色关联系数r0i(k)和灰色关联度r0i。

    Methods Analysis of grey correlation was carried out between the factors of meteorological phenomena and the disease of cerebral thrombosis in one hospital of Harbin from January to December in 2000.We made out the coefficient r 0i ( k ) and value r 0i of grey correlation .

  23. 当时,中国国有企业&中石油(PetroChina)在吉林省的一个工厂发生爆炸,导致数吨苯类污染物泄入松花江,流向下游的哈尔滨市(人口400万)和俄罗斯。

    An explosion at a plant operated by state-owned PetroChina in Jilin province led to several tonnes of benzene spilling into the Songhua river and floating towards the city of Harbin ( population 4m ) and then to Russia .

  24. 为了改善地下商业街的空气品质,以哈尔滨市地下商业街为研究对象,以室内CO2浓度为控制目标,采用数值模拟的方法进行研究,寻求经济合理的气流组织方案以及新风量、总风量值。

    In order to improve air quality of underground stores , we researched the underground stores in Har-Bin , the purpose was to control the density of CO2 , by adopting numerical simulation method , looking for economic and rational airflow pattern , airflow rate and outdoor airflow rate .

  25. 本文不但对哈尔滨市TPY进出口公司有着对业务人员激励的指导作用,同时也对国内的家族外贸企业有着借鉴的作用。

    This paper not only have the guide role for the business staff incentives of the Harbin TPY foreign trade company , but also have the reference role for the domestic foreign trade enterprises .

  26. 该品种从出苗到适宜采收期(蜡熟期)需有效积温2550℃.d左右,在哈尔滨市生育日数为115~120d。

    This variety requires effective accumulated temperature about 2 550 ℃ from emergence of seeding to stage of wax ripeness , it 's growth period is 115-120 d in the Harbin city .

  27. 哈尔滨市大树移植技术初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Transplantation Techniques of Big Trees in Harbin City

  28. 哈尔滨市生态城市绿地系统建设综合措施

    Integration Measure Of Ecology City Greenbelt System Construction In Harbin City

  29. 哈尔滨市经济适用住房现状调查与分析

    The Survey and Analysis of the Affordable Housing in Harbin City

  30. 1998-2002年哈尔滨市慢性非传染性疾病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Chronic Diseases in Harbin from 1998 to 2002