
  • 网络Slow breathing;Bradypnea
  1. 症状包括不可控制的痉挛,非正常的呼吸缓慢和不能清晰地思考等。

    Signs include uncontrollable shaking , unusually slow breathing and difficulty thinking clearly .

  2. 他的呼吸缓慢而艰难。

    His breathing was slow and labored .

  3. 一些动物,比如乌龟,大象,它们的呼吸缓慢而深长,生命就会很长。

    Some animals like tortoise , elephants , which are slow and breath slower , and live longer .

  4. 他的呼吸缓慢、深重,嘴和喉咙都十分干燥,但眼睛也是干的。

    His breath came slow and deep , and his mouth and throat were completely dry , but so were his eyes .

  5. 健康的呼吸方式缓慢深沉而有节奏。

    Good breathing is slow , rhythmic and deep .

  6. 她的呼吸变得缓慢而粗重。

    Her breathing became slow and heavy .

  7. 青蛙的呼吸非常缓慢,由于体型相差甚多,它所需要的空气远没有人类那么多。

    Frogs breathe very slowly , and do not take into their bodies so much air in proportion to their size as we do .

  8. 只要去感觉到你的呼吸变得缓慢和深沉。

    Just be aware of the slow , deep breath .

  9. 索皮的呼吸变得缓慢了,它闭上了眼睛。

    His breathing slowed and he closed his eyes .

  10. 她的呼吸既缓慢又困难。

    Her respiration was slow and difficult .

  11. 伤员的呼吸很缓慢。肌肉痉挛着,使他的脸孔抖动。

    The sick man 's breathing was labored , and muscle spasms quivered in his face .

  12. 打太极拳要协调深呼吸和缓慢、有节奏的动作,并且要聚精会神。

    It calls for synchronization of deep breathing and slow rhythmic movements , and requires high concentration .

  13. 只要去感觉到你的呼吸变得缓慢和深沉。在你吸气时候这气会带到腹部的下方。

    Just be aware of the slow , deep breath that go right down to the bottom of the stomach as you .

  14. 在你开始昏昏入睡时,你的眼睛会滚动几下,体温略有下降,肌肉放松,呼吸变得缓慢而有节奏。

    When you first drift off into slumber , your eyes will roll about a bit , your temperature will drop slightly , your muscles will relax , and your breathing well slow and become quite regular .

  15. 再做一次深呼吸,非常缓慢地,屏住它。

    So take another deep breath , very slowly , and hold it in .

  16. 坚持5次呼吸时间,然后缓慢回到站立的姿势。换腿重复。椅子蹲式

    Hold for 5 breaths and then slowly return to standing . Switch legs and repeat . Chair Squat

  17. 酒精中毒或醉酒的人可能有以下症状:言语混乱,呼吸不规律(每次呼吸所用时间不同),呼吸缓慢,皮肤苍白或泛蓝,癫痫,体温过低,大脑混乱,意识迷失等。

    A person suffering from alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication may exhibit the following symptoms : confusion , irregular breathing ( several seconds between breaths ) , slow breathing , pale or blue-tinged skin , seizures , hypothermia , confusion and unconsciousness .