
zhōu wéi xì bāo
  • peripheral cell
  1. 结果扩张段及狭窄段结肠壁S-100在神经丛内的神经纤维、施万细胞及周围细胞均有阳性表达,而在神经节细胞则无阳性表达;

    Results Nerve fiber , schwann cell and peripheral cell of expanding segment were S-100 positive , but neurons were S-100 negative , nNOS positive ;

  2. 研究发现,前β-HDL亚类间的递变代谢不仅与HDL成熟过程有关,而且还在周围细胞胆固醇移出、酯化以及转运中起着重要作用。

    It has heen shown that the metabolism of pre β HDL is not only a part of the process that nascent pre β HDL converts to mature α HDL , but also plays a key role in efflux , esterification and transport of peripheral cell derived cholesterol .

  3. 黄芪多糖干预实验性脑出血后血肿周围细胞凋亡及核因子κB表达的变化

    Effects of astragalus polysaccharide on the apoptosis of nerve cells and expression of nuclear factor kappa B protein surrounding hematoma after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage

  4. 地塞米松对大鼠脑出血后血肿周围细胞凋亡及半胱氨酸蛋白酶mRNA表达的影响

    Effect of Dexamethasone on brain cells apoptosis around hematoma and expression of caspase-3 mRNA after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats

  5. 目的探讨大鼠脑血肿周围细胞间黏附分子1(ICAM1)mRNA表达及白细胞浸润情况,明确脑血肿周围是否存在急性炎性反应。

    Objective To explore ICAM-1 mRNA expression and neutrophils infiltration and identify whether acute inflammation response occurs around hematoma after intracerebral hemorrhage .

  6. IR组肝组织细胞表现为核固缩或破碎,嗜酸性增强,与周围细胞连接松散。

    IR group , the liver cells showed nuclear condensation or fragmentation , eosinophils increased , loosely connected with the surrounding cells .

  7. 每一条染色体上都包含巨量的信息。而DNA和周围细胞工厂的相互作用又极其复杂,包含了无数的移动部件和捕鼠器式的反馈循环。

    Each chromosome contains a staggering amount of information , and the interaction between DNA and the cell machinery around it is incredibly complicated , with countless moving parts and Mousetrap-style feedback loops .

  8. 4肝组织NF-κB免疫组化染色结果:NF-κB的阳性表达主要位于肝脏中央静脉周围细胞的胞浆和细胞核中。

    The immunohistochemical staining results of NF - κ B in liver tissue : NF - κ B positive expression in the liver was mainly located around the central vein of the cytoplasm and cell nucleus .

  9. 移植后1w,腺体中央出现坏死,周围细胞变性,被膜下有分化程度低的细胞和皮质细胞。

    The central necrosis and cortical cells denaturation were found 1 w after operation .

  10. 在鳞癌间质中部分间质细胞与免疫反应细胞也呈PCNA阳性,提示癌细胞通过自分泌和旁分泌生长因子,可同时引起肿瘤本身和周围细胞的增殖。

    In some cases the increased expression of PCNA in the tissue adjacent to the tumour may represent the autocrine and paracrine of growth factors of cancer cells which influence the expression of PCNA .

  11. 还发现,若把CS加入琼脂培养液中,则能抑制IBDV的蚀斑形成。这说明CS能抑制病毒对其周围细胞的感染。

    Suppression of IBDV plaque formation was also noted when CS was added to the agar overlay medium , indicating that the serum inhibited the spread of the virus infection to the surrounding celis .

  12. 目的探讨外源性人低氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)在成纤维细胞中表达的可行性及其对毛囊周围细胞活性的影响。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of stable transfection of human hypoxia inducible factor-1 α( HIF-1 α) gene into fibroblasts cells and the effects of supernatant from the transfected cell culture on hair follicle cells .

  13. JEV和脑血管内皮细胞及其周围细胞的细胞膜相互作用后,通过受体介导的内吞,JEV与胞浆囊泡膜融合形成内化囊泡,再被转运穿过血脑屏障。

    There is a temporal viraemia before JEV breaches the blood-brain barrier . After interaction with membrane of cerebral blood vessels endothelial cells and pericytes , JEV fuses with cytoplasmic endocytic vesicles by receptor-mediated endocytosis .

  14. 通过对各组大鼠神经功能评分的评价,脑组织切片行HE染色,光镜下观察缺血区域及周围细胞形态特征及用2%氯化三苯基四氮唑(TTC)染色来判断MCAO/R模型制作是否成功。

    We judge MCAO / R model making success through evaluation of various neurological score , brain tissue slices were stained with HE , the morphological characteristics of cells in the ischemic region and around under light microscope and2 % triphenylterazolium chloride ( TTC ) .

  15. 4~7d,星形细胞高度肿胀,胞质内充满水肿液,细胞器消失,细胞变性,毛细血管周围细胞足突明显肿胀,血管周围间隙见微小出血灶。

    To 7 d after , there was severe swelling of astrocyte , abundant fluids in the cytoplasm , organelles vanishing , neuron degeneration , severe swelling of end plate around the capillary and minor focus of hemorrhage in the Virchow Robin space .

  16. 骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)和神经前体细胞(NPC)移植于脑组织损伤动物的实验证明这两类细胞移植后均能在体内迁徙,与周围细胞整合,促进神经功能修复。

    Brain trauma examination indicated that both bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSC ) and neural progenitor cells ( NPC ) could migrate after transplantation , in vivo , and integrated into the cells around of them , so as to accelerate the recovery of neurological impairment .

  17. 血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。

    Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia .

  18. 因为移植的器官可能会受周围细胞的排斥。

    Because the transplant may be rejected by the surrounding tissues .

  19. 实验性脑出血后血肿周围细胞凋亡及黄芪多糖的干预作用

    Variety of apoptosis after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage and effects of astragalus polysaccharide

  20. 脑血肿周围细胞间黏附分子-1mRNA表达及白细胞浸润的实验研究

    Study on ICAM-1 mRNA expression and neutrophils infiltration after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats

  21. 阳性细胞克隆呈圆球形、条带形和块形,与周围细胞分界清楚。

    Positive cell clones were spherical , strapping and patch with a significant ambit .

  22. 支持细胞与其周围细胞之间的相互作用

    Interaction between Sertoli Cells and Adjacent Cells

  23. 这样结核分枝杆菌就能长期寄生在胞内,并在人体免疫能力下降时侵染周围细胞。

    So that they can be a long-term parasitic intracellular and infect surrounding cells in the human immune decline .

  24. 但α粒子和俄歇电子较短的射程限制了α核素和俄歇电子核素对周围细胞的交互作用。

    However , the relative short range of alpha particle and auger electron limits the energy deposited in surrounding cell .

  25. 目前认为卵母细胞源性生长因子对卵泡及周围细胞发育发挥重要作用。

    There are accumulating evidences that oocyte-secreted factors play an important role in regulating the function of surrounding somatic cells during folliculogenesis .

  26. 在横断面上,它们由6~11个立方状内皮细胞围成,1~3层血管周围细胞包绕整个外周。

    In transverse section , they consisted of 6 ~ 11 cuboidal endothelial cells . The postcapillary venules were surrounded by perivascular cells .

  27. 细胞组织学研究表明,由外植体皮层细胞、韧皮部细胞及维管束周围细胞均可脱分化启动产生愈伤组织。

    Histocytological observations on explants indicated that the callus was induced from cells of cortex , phloem and peripheral zone of vascular bundle .

  28. 上皮中有少量淡染的亮细胞,其结构与周围细胞基本相同,只是数量有差异;

    Some light stained cells interspersed among the columnar cells , which were similar with other epithelial cells in structures but different in numbers .

  29. 胃体部内分泌细胞除以经典内分泌方式释放激素外,也可以旁分泌方式对周围细胞产生影响。

    Furthermore , the endocrine cells in the mucosa of the body of the stomach also had a paracrine effect on the adjacent cells .

  30. 促癌过程可能是突变细胞的一种失控的无规则的生长形式,而细胞正常的生长增殖在一定程度上取决于它们与周围细胞的识别与通讯能力。

    Growth of normal cells are dependent , to some extent on their ability to recognize cells , and perhaps on communication with neighboring cells .