
  1. 据悉,首尔市市长吴世勋于去年提出了这项旨在提高工作效率的计划。

    Mayor Oh Se-Hoon launched the campaign last year , purportedly to improve efficiency .

  2. 金氏表示,吴世勋把免费学校午餐公投与自己的市长职位挂钩,是为了把这次公投变为「选民对其支持程度的投票」,以竞逐下届总统选举。

    Kim said Oh had turned the poll into " his popularity vote " to run for the next presidency by linking his mayoralty with the free meal vote .

  3. 前任市长、大国家党党员吴世勋于今年八月辞职,以此为免费学校午餐这个项目的公民投票失败承担责任。

    The previous mayor , Oh Se-hoon of the GNP , resigned in August , to take responsibility for a bungled referendum over free school lunches , a program he opposed .