
lìn sè
  • stingy;niggardly;miserly;mean;skimpy;chinchy;close-fisted;mingy;be mean and stingy;parsimony
吝啬 [lìn sè]
  • [stingy;skimpy;chinchy;close-fisted;mingy; mean; niggardly; be mean and stingy] 小气,当用而舍不得用,过分爱惜自己的钱财

  • 始,洪家富而性吝啬。--《三国志.曹洪传》

吝啬[lìn sè]
  1. 西方在援助上有点吝啬。

    The West is stingy with aid

  2. 不要那么吝啬!

    Don 't be so stingy !

  3. 她用钱总是很吝啬。

    She 's always been very close with her money .

  4. 这才叫吝啬呢!她连张贺卡都没给我买。

    Talk about mean ! She didn 't even buy me a card .

  5. 她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。

    She 's always been mean with money .

  6. 他对时间和金钱都很吝啬。

    He is miserly with both his time and his money .

  7. 由于官方过于吝啬,仅制造了那一台机器。

    Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built .

  8. 政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。

    Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards .

  9. 他从不吝啬与人分享自己渊博的知识。

    He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge

  10. 别这么吝啬布料,不然做出来的窗帘会显得特寒酸。

    Don 't be mean with fabric , otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy .

  11. 真是一群吝啬鬼。

    What a bunch of Scrooges .

  12. 公司给受薪员工提供了一套很好的养老金计划,但给计时工提供的计划却很吝啬。

    The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid .

  13. 那个吝啬鬼舍不得喂马。

    The mean man grudged the food his horse ate .

  14. “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。

    A generous miser is a contradiction in terms .

  15. 让我们提供的援助带有一些附加条件,那是吝啬的。

    It would be churlish to tie strings to our help .

  16. 那吝啬鬼对那穷人的叙述无动于衷。

    The miser was untouched by the poor man 's story .

  17. 他是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀!

    What a miserable old devil he was !

  18. 他吝啬钱。

    He is mean about money .

  19. 她是我见到的最吝啬的一个,你从他那儿什么也得不到。

    He is the meanest person I know , you will get damn all out of him .

  20. 他一点儿也不吝啬,相反,没有比他更大方的了。

    He is not stingy at all ; on the contrary , no one could be more generous .

  21. 吝啬的英国消费者们会从诸如阿尔迪和利德这样的折扣店里选择更加廉价的产品,而不是其他奢侈的店铺。

    Penny-pinching UK consumers choose cheaper products from discounters such as Aldi and Lidl rather than luxury alternatives .

  22. Cheapskate指手里有钱却仍然放弃优质货品转而购买廉价物品的“吝啬鬼”。

    A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap instead of higher quality or better stuff , even though they might be able to afford the better .

  23. 乔·施密特虽然非常富有,却是个不折不扣的吝啬鬼。

    Joe Schmidt , although very wealthy , was a tightwad .

  24. 他那吝啬的雇主不肯给他加薪。

    His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise .

  25. 不要吝啬自己的语言表达你的情感。

    Don 't be illiberal in your words to show your love .

  26. 很多滚动条都很吝啬,给用户传递的信息太少

    Many scrollbars are quite parsimonious in doling out information to users .

  27. 一位农场主非常吝啬,不想让他雇佣的帮手停下来休息。

    A penny-pinching farmer didn 't want his hired hand to stop working .

  28. 有时我甚至称得上是吝啬

    Sometimes I even call top is an illiberality .

  29. 愚顽人不再称为高明、吝啬人不再称为大方。

    The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful .

  30. 李小姐在湖南省的一家养猪场长大,她嘲笑祖父母及父母吝啬的生活方式。

    Raised on a hog farm in Hunan Province , she laughs off the penurious ways of her parents and grandparents .
