
  • 网络jishou university;jsu.edu.cn
  1. 方法以吉首大学312名贫困大学生为研究组,相对应的328名非贫困大学生为对照组,采用症状自评量表SCL-90和应付方式问卷测评。

    Methods 312 impoverished students in Jishou university as study group and 328 non - impoverished students as control group , SCL-90 and coping style of them were assessed .

  2. 随机抽取普通系学生10名与吉首大学舞龙队员10名相比,结果表明:1)安静时舞龙队员的FVC、MVV、MVV/BSA均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),运动后10min基本恢复到安静水平;

    Compared 10 dragon-players of Jishou University with 10 normal students , we found that : 1 ) FVC 、 MVV 、 MVV / BSA of dragon-players are significantly higher than those of the control students ( P < 0.05 );

  3. 吉首大学学生身体素质测试分析

    Analysis of Physical Fitness Test Results in Students of Jishou University

  4. 吉首大学美术学院教师作品

    Teachers ' Works from The College of Fine Arts , Jishou University

  5. 吉首大学图书馆计算机网络管理的实践与探索

    The Practice and the Exploration on Library Computer Network Management of Jishou University

  6. 汉字学教学的改革与探索&以吉首大学汉字学教改为案例

    Chinese Character Study Teaching Reform and Exploration

  7. 高校图书馆的流通书库借阅状况分析及对策&以吉首大学图书馆为例

    An analysis of the status quo of the circulation stacks in university library and countermeasures

  8. 迈克:来自华盛顿州的美国人,吉首大学英语外教。

    Michael : an American from Washington State , an English teacher working in Jishou University .

  9. 湖南西部高校学生对时政新闻的弱关注&以吉首大学为个案分析

    Western Hunan 's College Student Being Indifferent to Current Affairs & A Case Analysis on Jishou University

  10. 关于大学生占座状况的调查&以吉首大学图书馆调查为例

    Survey on the Phenomenon of Student Seats-Occupying : Taking the Case Study on Library of the Jishou University

  11. 2005年吉首大学在校大学生体质健康状况的分析与对策研究

    Analysis and Counter Measures Research about College Students Physical Fitness and Health Condition of Jishou University in 2005

  12. 地域建筑与现代建筑的融合之美&湖南吉首大学齐鲁大楼建筑艺术赏析

    Integral Beauty of Regional Architecture and Modern Construction & Architectural Art Appreciation in Qilu Building of Jishou University

  13. 专业基础钢琴课的教学现状与对策&以吉首大学音乐舞蹈学院为例

    The Status of Piano Teaching as a Basic Course and the Countermeasures & A Case Study in Jishou University

  14. 先后就读于湖南邵阳师专和湖南吉首大学中文系,本科学历。

    He had studied at the Chinese Department of Shaoyang Normal College and Jishou University , both in Hunan province .

  15. 捐赠期间,潘宗光还在吉首大学张家界校区进行了讲学和参观。

    During the donation , Professor Poon Chung-kwong also Zhangjiajie Jishou University campus to give lectures and carry out the visit .

  16. 吉首大学学报(自然科学版)2005年度第26卷第1~4期(卷终)总目次

    Journal of Jishou University ( natural science edition ) Vol.26 No.1 ~ 4 2005 ( the end of vol.26 ) total contents

  17. 吉首大学里有一名加拿大籍的外教,他对学生很好,但教学十分糟糕。

    Jishou has a foreign teacher , an old Canadian man who is friendly with the students , but a poor teacher .

  18. 阴阳相济两仪共生&浅谈吉首大学张家界学院图书馆建筑设计

    To allow Yin and Yang to assist each other and live together & On architectural design of library of Zhangjiajie College of Jishou University

  19. 论旅游地区高校图书馆旅游文献信息的开发与利用&以吉首大学图书馆为例

    The Development and Utilization of Tourist Literatures of University Library in the Tourist Regions & Taking the Library of Jishou University as an Example

  20. 结合吉首大学图书馆外文采访工作的实际经验和体会,探讨了民族地区高校图书馆外文书刊采访工作面临的困境以及应对的方法和策略,并提出一些有益的建议。

    Considering the practical experience in our library , the paper discusses the difficulties and countermeasures of foreign document resource construction in university library for nationalities .

  21. 为了探讨篮球运动中踝部损伤的发病规律,制定其相关的预防措施,对吉首大学99级、2000级体育教育本科专业204名学生进行了调查。

    In order to detect the disease law of the ankle injury in basketball , the preventive measure has taken . The investigation was made in the 204 students from the grade 99 and 2000 of the physical education discipline of Jishou University .

  22. 从吉首大学校园网络的实际情况出发,结合目前网络应用状况,介绍了吉首大学计费系统的开发情况,并对该系统的设计思想、设计原理以及系统结构进行了简要描述。

    Based on the network facts of Jishou university and combined with the present application of network , this paper discusses the exploitation of network billing system fitting in with Jishou university and introduces the system 's design ideology , design principle as well as its structure .