
  1. 有趣的是,香港的高档西餐厅在定价时似乎都结合了中国的吉祥数字8和6。

    It 's interesting how high-end Western restaurants in Hong Kong all seem to incorporate lucky Chinese numbers ( 8 , 6 ) in their pricing .

  2. 有趣的是,香港的高档西餐厅在定价时似乎都结合了中国的吉祥数字“8”和“6”。

    It 's interesting how high-end Western restaurants in Hong Kong all seem to incorporate lucky Chinese numbers ( " 8 , " " 6 " ) in their pricing .

  3. 本文拟探讨数字语言在不同语言中的文化积淀,力图在交际中多使用吉祥数字,以确保交际成功。

    The author is trying to study on cultural source , melt and acumulation of some numbers in different culture in order to use more lucky numbers during intercultural communication and enhance the communicative effect between or among the communicators .

  4. 相信数字13是个不吉祥的数字是荒唐可笑的。

    It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky .

  5. 每一瓶拉菲2008年年份酒的瓶身上都会有一个醒目的红色“八”字,因为“八”在中国的民俗当中是一个吉祥的数字。

    Every bottle of the chateau's2008 vintage will feature an embossed red character for'eight , 'an auspicious number in Chinese folklore .

  6. 中国人对听起来吉祥的数字的执迷总是使我发笑,考虑到汉语中那么多字实际听起来一样。

    China 's obsession with auspicious-sounding numbers never fails to tickle me , given that so many words in Mandarin actually do sound the same .

  7. 本章运用认知语言学的理论对数字吉祥语中数字的隐喻含义进行解析。

    This chapter uses cognitive metaphor theory to analysis the metaphorical meaning of numbers in the numeral auspicious talk one by one .

  8. 另外8是吉祥,缘起的数字,竹子下面横着的8不应该想成是偶然的。

    Is an auspicious addition , the number of origins , bamboo below the8 sideways is not try to do by accident .