- 网络synkaryon;zygote

The formation cross sections of the super-heavy nuclei from Pb-based cold fusion and excitation functions from ~ 48Ca induced hot fusion are reasonably consistent with known experimental data .
Results showed that cross between homokaryotic protoplast in Agaricus bisporus was a complicated procedure of sex compatibility and nuclear migration and its hybridization percentage was not high .
Expression of iNOS and NF - κ B in human gastric carcinoma tissue
Information technology will be at the heart of global economic competition in the21st century .
Relationship of nitric oxide synthase , NF - κ B and cell apoptosis in epilepsy
The significance of the expression of COX-2 and NF - κ B in gastric atypical hyperplasia and gastric cancer and the inhibitory effects of nimesulide on these expressions in human gastric carcinoma cell line SGC-7901
The majority of terrestrial plants assimilate atmospheric CO2 through the C3 photosynthetic pathway , and the enzyme of primary CO2 fixation in this pathway is ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase ( Rubisco ) .
Construction of an Enkaryotic Expression Vector Carrying an Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene
In wild group of grass carp , all the three phenotypes were observed , whereas in mito-gynogenetic group , only phenotypes 1 and 3 were observed .
In the treated group , cyclophosphamide and ethanol induced an increased percentage of aneuploidy in the oocytes ( MII ) and female pronucleus of the first-cleavage zygotes , while gossypol acetate , clozapine , phenytoin and diazepam exerted no such influence .