
  1. 结论:汉语文化背景的SD患者的认知特征与西方的结果相似,左颞叶新皮层萎缩导致选择性的语义记忆损害。

    Conclusion : There are similar clinical and neuropsychological characteristics for SD between the Chinese patient and the sample of Western . Selective impairment of semantic memory may bring about by left temporal neocortex atrophy .

  2. 结果脑梗死后1d,梗死区GAP43的表达明显增多,梗死灶处颞叶新皮层神经元分层排列消失,神经元数量明显减少,神经毡被破坏,组织严重水肿;

    Results In infarcts of rats in infarction group , the expression of GAP 43 increased markedly and there were a large number of dead neurons , damaged neuropil and severe edematous tissue 1 day after onset of infarction .

  3. 银杏观叶新品种叶片解剖结构研究

    Study on Anatomical Structure of Leaves of New Cultivars of Ginkgo biloba

  4. 强直电刺激右侧尾壳核对大鼠海马、中部颞叶新皮质电图的影响

    Effects of tetanization of the right caudate-putamen on the depth electrographs in the hippocampus or medial temporal lobe neocortex electrographs in rats

  5. 外显的表情进行相较于内隐进行方式,更显著地唤起颞叶新皮质中更多的活性,而内隐运作则显著地唤起在杏仁核区中更大的活性。

    Explicit processing evoked significantly more activity in temporal lobe cortex than implicit processing , whereas implicit processing evoked significantly greater activity in amygdala region .

  6. 方法:从已经建立的癫痫脑库中随机抽取35例难治性癫痫患者的颞叶新皮质和15例对照颞叶脑组织。

    Thirty-five temporal neocortex tissue samples from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy ( TLE ) and fifteen histological normal temporal lobes from controls were selected .