
  • 网络right lower limb;r-leg
  1. 右下肢新鲜标本,制备组织切片。将标本冲洗、固定后,于动脉插管内灌注8%明胶墨汁,至浅表皮肤均匀变黑并可见静脉内有灌注液溢出即行停止。

    Fresh right lower limb sample : making tissue into slice samples , after washing and fixation , injecting 8 % gelatin ink into artery by cannulas until the superficial skin turn black equally and injection solution overflow from the vein .

  2. 右下肢冷藏标本,于股动脉灌注红色乳胶,再于股静脉及大隐静脉顺、逆行灌注含硫酸钡混悬液之蓝色乳胶,福尔马林防腐,然后切取皮瓣,摄取x线片。

    Deep freezed right lower limb sample , injecting red gelatin into femoral artery , forward and backward injecting blue latex with barium sulfate into femoral vein and great saphenous vein , cuting flap after dealing with formalin and get x-ray photos .

  3. 方法选用SD大鼠24只,建立右下肢缺血加腓肠肌失神经支配的动物模型(实验组),左侧为对照组。

    Methods 24 SD rats were used to establish the gastrocnemius muscle denervation model in both hind limbs and muscle ischemia model in the right hind limb .

  4. 周围型和中央型DVT中,左、右下肢发病率有显著性差异,混合型左、右下肢发病率无显著性差异。

    There were significant differences in the incidence rates of the left and right lower limbs in peripheral and central type of DVT .

  5. 左下肢5例,右下肢3例。

    Five affected legs were in the left and 3 in the right .

  6. 糖尿病足左下肢6条,右下肢7条。

    Diabetic feet included 6 left lower extremities and 7 right lower extremities .

  7. 申请驾驶自动挡汽车,右下肢应当健全;

    Apply for a driving automatic car , the right leg should be sound ;

  8. 同时伴有右下肢触物感痛及间歇性跛行。

    She had also suffered from dysesthesia in the right lower leg and intermittent claudication .

  9. 有时疼痛放射到右下肢后侧,一直到脚部。

    At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot .

  10. 复发性坏死性粘膜腺周炎1例右下肢蜂窝织炎并发肌筋膜坏死综合征病人术后护理

    Postoperative Nursing Care of Cellulites and Muscular Fasciae Necrosis Syndrome of Right Lower Extremity-A one Case Report

  11. 深静脉血栓位于右下肢42例,左下肢51例,双下肢3例。

    DVTs located in right lower extremity in 42 cases , 51 cases in left and bilateral lower extremities in 3 cases .

  12. 锁骨下动脉[静脉]左心房黏液瘤致右下肢动脉栓塞伴阵发性室上性心动过速1例

    Subclavian arteries [ veins ] A case with arterial embolism of right lower limb and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia due to the left atrial myxoma

  13. 这位脑筋迟钝的编辑并不知道人家是在向他试探消息。1例右下肢蜂窝织炎并发肌筋膜坏死综合征病人术后护理

    The obtuse editor did not know he was being nibbled at . Postoperative Nursing Care of Cellulites and Muscular Fasciae Necrosis Syndrome of Right Lower Extremity-A one Case Report

  14. 随后的2~7个月间于右侧髂动脉旁和右下肢相继出现20余枚肿大的淋巴结,合并右下肢肿胀。

    During the following 2-7 months , more than 20 enlarged lymph nodes appeared along the right iliac artery and right lower limb , complicated with lower limb swelling .

  15. 病例2:于2005-01-25肌电图检查显示,右下肢腓总神经和胫后神经传导速度均为36m/s。

    For patient 2 : Shown by EMC examination on January 25 . 2005 . the conduction velocity of common peroneal nerve and post-tibial nerve was 36 meters per second .

  16. 结果:左下肢血栓42例,右下肢血栓17例,双下肢血栓1例。完全性栓塞95部位,不完全性栓塞23部位。

    Result : Left lower extremity venous thrombosis were detected in 42 cases , , right in 17 cases , complete infarction in 95 position , incomplete infarction in 23 position .

  17. 结果:本组共13例,男9例,女4例;左下肢5条,右下肢6条,双下肢2例(4条),共15条肢体。

    Results Fifteen limbs were treated with SIA in 13 patients ( 9 men , 4 females ) with 5 left lower extremities , 6 right ones and 2 cases of bilateral lesions .

  18. 2005-01-28在硬膜外麻醉下,行右下肢局部肌肉自体骨髓干细胞移植。

    He received local intramuscular injection of stem fells in right lower extremity under epidural anesthesia on January 28 , 2005 . After transplantation , the pain was greatly relieved at 5 days ;

  19. 6例在开始治疗后一天内明显好转,其中4例一周内基本恢复无后遗症,2例在10天内下肢感觉基本恢复遗留右下肢肌力Ⅳ+级。

    Cases were prominently improved in one day , of whom 4 cases almost recovered in a week and had no sequela ; The right lower limb in 2 cases was recovered to the strength IV + grade in ten days .

  20. 模型组右后下肢膝关节伸直位石膏管型固定。

    Plaster was used to fix the straighten position of knee joint of right posterior limbs of the rabbits of model group .

  21. 结果:1.体内实验:(1)实验动物离体股骨骨密度的比较:与正常组比较,模型空白组大鼠右后下肢离体股骨骨密度显著下降。

    Result : 1 . In vivo part : ( 1 ) The comparison of the BMD of the femur of the experimental rats : comparing with the normal group , the BMD of the femur has evident tendency to reduce ;

  22. 右小腿脂肪肉瘤伴下肢静脉曲张1例

    Varicose veins of the right lower extremity complicated liposarcoma : case report

  23. 入院检查:右髋部肿胀压痛,右下肢活动受限。

    Examination on admission showed swelling and tenderness over the right hip . The movement of her right lower extremity was limited .

  24. 左膝引领身体左下肢以积极主动用力的同时带动身体右侧旋转,速度变化最大;身体右侧,右踝关节带动身体右下肢积极主动用力向投掷方向转动。

    His left knee lead to positive body left lower limb strength and push the right side of the body rotation , the biggest change speed ; The right side of the body , right ankle leading body right lower limb active force to throwing directions . 4 .

  25. 术前四肢血压分别为:右上肢165/110mmHg、左上肢160/110mmHg、右下肢未满意测出、左下肢55/35mmHg;

    The preoperative blood pressures of four limbs were followed as : 165 / 110mm Hg in right upper limb , 160 / 110mm Hg in left upper limb-55 / 35mHg in left lower extremity , no satisfactory reading in right extremity .

  26. 术后第3天四肢血压分别为:右上肢100/75mmHg、左上肢105/80mmHg、右下肢110/70mmHg、左下肢115/75mmHg。

    The blood pressures at 3d after operation followed as : 100 / 70mm Hg in right upper limb , 105 / 80mm Hg in left upper limb , 110 / 70mm Hg in left lower extremity , 115 / 75mm Hg in right extremity .