
shǐ guān
  • historiographer;official historian
史官 [shǐ guān]
  • [historiographer] 被任命撰写一个国家、集团或机构的历史或系统地记载它们的人;也指古代朝廷中负责整理编纂前朝史料史书和搜集记录本朝史实的官员

史官[shǐ guān]
  1. 论杜甫与史官文化

    On Du Fu and Culture of Official Historian

  2. 第二章侧重探讨宋代史官文化与咏史诗的互动关系。

    The second chapter elaborates the mutual relationship between official historian culture and history commenting poems .

  3. 周代史官与周礼之间有着密切的关系。

    Zhou Dynasty 's historiographers and Zhouli have a close relationship .

  4. 真实性是由当时高度发达的史官文化决定的;

    The truthfulness was determined by the high developed historical office culture ;

  5. 史官的王官之学是阴阳五行家的知识背景。

    Historiographers ' expertise was the knowledge background of the Yin-Yang school .

  6. 史官文化与中国文学民族性的确立

    Culture of Official Historians and Establishment of the Nationality of Chinese Literature

  7. 俞樾的小说观及创作具有强烈的史官意识。

    His view of novel and other writings had strong sense of historians .

  8. 浅析史官文化对《左传》叙事模式的影响

    On the Influence of Historian Culture to " Zuo Zhuan " Narrative Mode

  9. 文字发明以后,历史的记录便由史官负责。

    After the invention of characters , the historiographer is responsible for recording history .

  10. 而先秦史官传统更是直接影响了史学的成熟。

    The tradition of the official historian in Pre-Qin directly influences the mature of historiography .

  11. 早期史官的制度形态与中国历史编纂致用传统的生成

    The System Pattern of Early Official Historians and Formation of the Practice-serving Tradition in Historiography

  12. 史官与官史&韩、柳的史官辩

    Official Historian and Official History : A Debate on Official Historian between Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan

  13. 第三部分是本文的主体,对《左传》中史官资料进行个案研究。

    In this part , we study the especial case of the historiographer information in Zuo Zhuan .

  14. 其叙述声音属于公开的叙述声音,主要是说书式叙述者与史官式叙述者的声音。

    The narrative voice belongs to the public voice which is mainly the voice of storytellers and historiographers .

  15. 另一方面,由于史官文化自身的学术包容性,使得中国文学在发展过程中,始终处于文学与非文学因素相互交织的状态,形成了一种独特的杂文学体制。

    On the other hand , its academic compatibility led Chinese literature to a unique system of multi-literature .

  16. 中国史官文化极其发达,史家层出不穷。

    The culture of history officials develops extremely in China , and , historians emerging in an endless stream .

  17. 史官是我国古代史学文化的重要内容之一。

    The official historiographer which origins very early is one of the important contents about historical culture in China .

  18. 出土文献所见楚国的史官学术与“老庄学派”黄老学派

    Historiographer 's learning of Chu state saw in unearthed literature and " meanwhile school "," elder Huang school "

  19. 大量舞蹈岩画表明,萨满乐舞是产生于氏族部落社会母系制时代的一种古老宗教艺术,至史官文化中期,该乐舞的结构、形式及表演程序等已得到规范,并固定下来。

    Many stone pictures indicates that Shaman musical dances were ancient religious arts , which originated in matrilineal society .

  20. 洗鲁雅的儿子约押作元帅。亚希律的儿子约沙法作史官。

    And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host ; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder ;

  21. 民族文化认同与北朝史官制度的发展

    On the Relationship between National and Cultural Identity and the Development of the System of Official History in Northern Dynasties

  22. 史官的天文、历法、星历等王官之学构成了阴阳家的知识背景。

    Furthermore , the historiographers ' professional knowledge on astronomy , calendar and astrology became the knowledge background of the Yin-Yang school .

  23. 奏疏中用《易》体现了黄道周浓厚的史官意识,其中蕴含着《易》-智-讽谏的传统范式。

    It reflected Huang Daozhou 's strong sense of historiographer , and implied the traditional paradigm in Book of Changes-intelligent satirical expostulation .

  24. 本文论述史官文化的内容和价值,对继承和发扬我国传统文化有较深远的历史意义和现实意义。

    The paper elaborates its contents and suggests that its value lies in historical and realistic significance for carrying forward Chinese traditional culture .

  25. 在先秦散文史上,七十子后学散文处于上承史官记言散文、启诸子说理散文的枢纽地位。

    In the Pre-Qin prose history , the position of seventy Confucian disciples ' prose was between the historians and the various masters .

  26. 晋代的史官制度比较严格,担任史官者必须具备一定的撰史能力。

    The official historian system of the Jin Dynasty was fairly stringent . The official historian must have the ability to compile history .

  27. 《史记》与神秘文化有缘,因为史官文化的母体是巫官文化;

    There is the cause with the mystical culture in Historical Records , because the historian-official culture 's parent substance is the witch-official culture .

  28. 小字注和小说文本中均出现了“史官”形象及其话语,这可能是史学通俗化的影响。

    In those small-word-notes and novel text , there were " historian " images and their discourse , might be influenced by popularization of history .

  29. 这些名称的含义当在强调史官必须具有一定的史学修养,能撰史著史。

    Probably , the implication of these names was to emphasize that the official historians must have certain history accomplishment and the abilities to compile history .

  30. 传统历史小说根植于古代史官文化,以尚实求真为原则。

    The traditional historical novel , which uses pursuing the reality as the principle , originates in the historical and official culture in the ancient time .