
  1. 其后,另一家也试图收购南山人寿的台湾银行中信金控(chinatrustfinancial)威胁要起诉aig,因为aig拒绝了后者自称更高的出价。

    Then Chinatrust Financial , a Taiwanese bank that had also tried to buy Nan Shan , threatened to sue AIG for rejecting what it claimed to be a higher bid .

  2. 所以你目前无法在大陆的台湾银行取钱。

    So you cannot take money in the Taiwan Bank of the mainland at present .

  3. 这家台湾银行还表示,它仍在评估这笔投资,尚未作出最终决定。

    The Taiwanese bank added it was still evaluating the investment and had not finally decided .

  4. 因此,分析人士和银行高管认为,台湾银行业需要非常大规模的整合。

    Therefore , very aggressive consolidation would be needed , argue analysts and banking executives alike .

  5. 但是到目前为止,在大陆的台湾银行都是代表处和办事处。

    But so far , the Taiwan bank that is in the mainland is delegate place and agency .

  6. 吴敦义表示,政府并无计划放松禁止大陆资金投资台湾银行业的限制。

    Wu Den-yih said the government had no plans to relax restrictions barring mainland investment in Taiwan banks .

  7. 许多台湾银行次级抵押债券的最大买主之一也表现得意外坦率。

    A number of Taiwanese banks which have been among the biggest buyers of such paper have also been surprisingly Frank .

  8. 对英国、美国及我国香港和台湾银行定义以及银行法适用范围进行了研究。

    This article studies bank 's definition and bank law scope of application in England , United States , Hong Kong and Taiwan .

  9. 不过,陈冲表示,台湾银行业是否对大陆投资开放,是“一个更为复杂的问题”。

    Whether the banking sector would be open to Chinese investment , however , was " a more complicated issue " , he said .

  10. 为了解更多有关台湾银行可在福建开设分行的讯息,让我们连线我台记者唐波一起来分享。唐波一直在跟踪报道在上海进行的相关会议。

    For more on that , we are joined live by our correspondent Tang Bo , who has been following the meeting in Shanghai .

  11. 这些政策降低了台湾银行业不良贷款的平均比例,使之从高峰期的12%以上回落至不到2.5%。

    These policies brought down the sector 's average non-performing loan ratio from a peak of above 12 per cent to below 2.5 per cent .

  12. 当然还有其它一些台湾银行濒临破产,但它们都是些小银行,其(不太可能发生的)破产造成的连带破坏会很小。

    While there are certainly other Taiwanese banks teetering on the brink , they are small lenders whose ( improbable ) collapse would have minimal collateral damage .

  13. 台湾银行业最近的并购活动,终于为这个过度拥挤、表现不佳的行业在整合必要性方面带来了紧迫感。

    Recent mergers and acquisitions activity in the Taiwan banking sector is finally lending a sense of urgency to the need for consolidation of the overcrowded , underperforming industry .

  14. 台湾银行业高度分散,在亚洲地区盈利能力最弱。但专业从事抵押贷款和农业信贷的土地银行则是一个罕见的例外。

    Taiwan 's highly fragmented banking industry is among Asia 's most unprofitable , but the Land Bank , which specialises in mortgages and agricultural credit , is a rare exception .

  15. 正是在此意义上,本文对台湾银行业投资大陆的市场定位与区域布局做了粗略规划,作为对两岸银行业在大陆合作的政策建议。

    It is truly in this way , this paper makes a rough planning of market selection and location layout for this kind investment that can be seen as the cooperation suggestion .

  16. 对海峡两岸银行法的主要内容进行比较和评析,借鉴台湾银行立法中的经验,对祖国大陆银行立法中存在的不足之处提出了若干修订的建议。

    A comparison and comment on each other 's legislative structures and contents can draw on experience of the bank legislation in the Taiwan areas and perfect the bank legislation in the Mainland .

  17. 实证结果表明大陆银行业的市场集中度与银行利润间呈显著负相关性,台湾银行业的市场集中度与银行利润间呈显著正相关性。

    The empirical results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the mainland banking market concentration and bank profits . And there is a significant positive correlation between the Taiwan banking market concentration and bank profits .

  18. 其它公司则合并了资产管理与投资顾问业务,与台湾本地银行联手建立银行保险业务(bancassurance),登记发行大量新的离岸产品。

    Others have combined their asset management and investment consulting businesses , established bancassurance alliances with local lenders and registered scores of new offshore products .

  19. 祖国大陆与台湾地区银行立法之比较

    A Comparison Between the Bank Legislations of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland

  20. 此外,虽然与亚太地区其它银行相比,台湾的银行可能看起来比较便宜,但其回报水平往往也较低。

    Moreover , while Taiwanese banks may look cheap compared with their regional peers , returns are often subdued .

  21. 从好的方面说,在台湾,银行倒闭的可能性很小,出现系统性风险的威胁更小。

    The good news is that bank failures are highly unlikely , and the threat of systemic risk even more so .

  22. 台湾某银行的一名高管表示,签署《海峡两岸金融合作协议》将是一次长征的开始。

    One senior executive at a Taiwan bank said the signing of the agreement was going to be the beginning of a long march .

  23. 但备忘录并未向台湾的银行提供开展a股经纪服务或任何形式人民币银行业务的平台。

    But the Mou does not provide a platform for Taiwanese banks to operate A-share brokerage services or any form of Renminbi banking businesses .

  24. 台湾的银行即将迎来新的个人破产法导致的后果。它们表示,这部法律可能鼓励债务人不承担偿还义务。

    Banks in Taiwan are braced for the fallout from new personal bankruptcy legislation , which , they say , could encourage debtors not to meet repayment obligations .

  25. 这些职业经理人将中信商业银行从一家无足轻重的小银行,发展为台湾企业银行业务领域中的佼佼者,与该集团在零售市场的传统优势形成互补。

    The professional managers transformed the flagship bank from a nobody into a leader in Taiwanese corporate banking , complementing the group 's traditional strength in the retail market .

  26. 针对自第二次金融改革后,本研究以2007年的三个外商银行并购台湾地区银行之案例为主要研究对象。

    Aim at after for the second time financial reform , this research with three foreign commercial banks in2007 go to merge the case of Taiwanese bank is main research object .

  27. 此举还可能对私人股本进一步投资于台湾的银行和保险公司构成障碍,并加大金融机构为并购融资的难度。

    The move could also throw up an obstacle to further private equity investment in Taiwanese banks and insurers and make it more difficult for financial institutions to finance mergers and acquisitions .

  28. 这家香港上市公司拒绝透露借款成本上升了多少,称已与该银团全部13家银行(其中11家是台湾的银行)签署了保密协议。

    The Hong Kong-listed company declined to reveal how much its borrowing costs had risen , citing a confidentiality agreement with all 13 banks in the syndicate , 11 of which are Taiwanese .

  29. 面对竞争激烈的金融环境,台湾彰化银行需要把握契机,适时进入大陆市场制定竞争战略,增强独特核心能力,创建持续竞争优势。

    In the face of competitive financial environment , Chang Hwa Bank from Taiwan need to grasp the opportunity to formulate timely access to the mainland market , strengthen competitive strategy unique core competencies , to create a sustainable competitive advantage .

  30. 例如,台湾各银行已开始启用针对亚洲企业辛迪加贷款的市场紊乱条款,这些条款允许银行在自己的融资成本远远高于基准利率时,提高企业贷款利率。

    Taiwanese banks , for example , have started to trigger market disruption clauses on syndicated loans to Asian companies , which allows banks to increase the rate at which they lend to a company if their own funding costs rise significantly higher than benchmark rates .