
  1. 我们要做些有关台北交通的研究。

    We 'll do some research on traffic in taipei .

  2. 台北儿童交通博物馆内准备运行的游园小火车。

    A small tourist train in Taipei Kid 's Park Museum .

  3. 沿着中山高速公路进入台北的交通要塞上好一段时间。

    Traffic entering Taipei along the Sun Yat Sen freeway will have a long wait .

  4. 最近台北的交通真太拥挤了,我觉得汽车应全面禁用。

    There is too much traffic in Taibei these days . I think car should be banned .

  5. 报道说台北的地铁交通和台湾高速铁路中断。

    The reports said traffic Taipei 's subways and the island 's high speed railroad was suspended .