
  • 网络Guxian County;Gu County;Gu Comt;Gu Condado;SXGX
  1. 古县规模发展双孢菇的实践与思考

    Practice and Consideration of Development of Bisporic Mushroom in Guxian County

  2. 古县位于山西南部,临汾东北。

    Ancient County is located in southern Shanxi , Linfen , north-east .

  3. 古县历史悠久,人杰地灵。

    Ancient County has a long history , outstanding people .

  4. 古县旅游资源丰富。

    Rich tourism resources in the ancient county .

  5. 主要包括古县历史溯源及其地理生态环境、生产生活方式、民俗文化。

    Include Origin and geography of ancient county environment , production life , folk culture .

  6. 本文阐述了古县规模发展双孢菇的实践与需要思考的问题。

    This paper expounds the practice of scale development of bisporic mushroom in Guxian County and advances some problems requiring consideration .

  7. 从已经消亡的民间音乐和现存的民间音乐两方面论述.展示古县的民间音乐类型,并对其音乐形式做详细的解释。

    From folk music and has been the demise of the folk music of both the existing discourse . Display of Guxian folk music type and form of their music a detailed explanation .

  8. 从自己通过田野工作所掌握的一手材料出发,详细介绍古县的民间音乐形式,并进行更深入的研究。第三章,古县音乐的瑰宝。

    Work through the field from their own first-hand grasp the starting material , details of the ancient county of folk music forms , The third Chapter : the treasures of Guxian folk music .

  9. 我让思绪尽量地钩沉记忆,似乎在我去过的地方,在我接触过的媒体里,像汾城这样的古县城遗存是绝无仅有的。

    I let my thoughts deep in the memory , it seems there are no ancient town such as Fencheng in the entire place that I have been to and all the media that I contacted with .