
  • 网络xi county
  1. 隰县花瓣梨果实品质和果面条纹的保持研究

    Study on Fruit Quality and Surface Stripe Retention of Petal Pear Produced in XI County

  2. 隰县花瓣梨的果实表面具有明显的黄、绿相间纵向条纹。

    Petal pear produced in XI county , which surface has obviously yellow and green alternately longitudinal stripe .

  3. 隰县试区土地资源管理数据库的建立与运行

    Study on the Management Database of Land Resources at Xixian Broken Loess Plateau Region

  4. 隰县生态农业建设规划研究

    Programming of Eco agriculture of Xi County

  5. 隰县试区土地适宜性评价及其开发利用规划研究

    Studies on both Evaluation of Land Suitability and Programme of Land Utilization at Xixian Experimental Region in Shanxi Province

  6. 隰县试区酥梨主要害虫综合治理研究与应用

    Study on the Integrated Management for Main Insect Pests of Crisp Pear and Its Application in Xi County Experiment Region

  7. 1996~1998年在山西省隰县黄土高原残垣沟壑区进行了沟谷地春玉米干物质积累、分配与转移规律的研究。

    Experiment on biomass accumulation , distribution and transference of spring corn was carried out in the gully region at Xixian , Shanxi .

  8. 隰县对外贸易公司位于“中国金梨之乡”、国家级文物保护单位小西天所在地&山西省隰县。

    Xi County Foreign Trade Corporation in ShanXi province is located in Xi County called " the hometown of golden pears in China " .

  9. 山西隰县小西天大雄宝殿彩塑是明末清初的反映佛教历史和极乐世界的大型塑像遗存。

    The painted statues in " Minor Western Heaven " Mahavira Temple in Xixian County are remains of large statues at turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty reflecting the history of Buddhism and Sukhavati .

  10. 在分析隰县区域特征、生态农业发展现状的基础上,提出了隰县生态农业建设的总体战略、区域布局、重点项目、投资与效益、对策措施等。

    Based on the comprehensive analyses of the characteristics and eco agricultural situation , it was put forward about the overall strategy , distribution , major project , investment , beneficial result and countermeasure .

  11. 交口县位于山西省中部西侧,吕梁市南端,东接孝义、灵石、南连隰县、汾西,西靠石楼,北界中阳。

    Jiaokou County in central Shanxi Province is located in the west , the southern tip of Luliang City , east Xiaoyi , Lingshi , the marsh south county , Fenxi , stone floor , west , north of Shenyang .
