
  • 网络xiamen botanical garden
  1. 本文总结了厦门园林植物园25个百合新品种的引种栽培表现,探讨栽培管理中光照、温度、土壤pH、施肥、病虫害等若干因素的影响。

    The growth performance of 25 varieties of Lily introduced and cultivated in Xiamen Botanical Garden is described and the conditions of light , temperature , water , fertilizers , pests and diseases are also discussed .

  2. 厦门园林植物园10种榕属植物叶热值与灰分含量的研究

    Study on caloric values and ash contents in the leaves of ten Ficus species at Xiamen Botanical Garden

  3. 厦门园林植物园珍稀濒危植物迁地保护

    Ex-site Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Xiamen Botanic Garden