
  • 网络oil dependency
  1. 原油对外依存度也随之逐年增加,油气资源面临短缺的问题。

    Crude oil has been in shortage of resources in China , and also has a rising dependence on foreign oil and gas .

  2. 理论上,原油对外依存度如此之高,剧烈的国际油价波动不可避免会对我国宏观经济产生意外冲击。

    In theory , high dependence on foreign oil and sharp fluctuations in international oil prices will produces unexpected shock to our country economy inevitably .

  3. 中国的石油消费量增长很快,原油对外依存度也逐年增高,掌握先进的深水开采石油技术,提高国内原油产量已成当务之急。

    The oil consumption of China increased rapidly year by year , so did the dependence rate on foreign oil . It becomes more and more necessary to master technology of deep-water oil exploration to increase domestic oil production .

  4. 我国原油需求对外依存度逐年上升,结合我国“贫油少气相对富煤”的能源状况,发展煤基甲醇燃料符合我国的国情。

    Since it is short of oil resource and coal resources are plentiful in our country , to make efforts to develop coal-based fuel is an important way to resolve the issue of energy safety .

  5. 加上我国原油对外进口依存度的不断提高,我国的能源问题越来越严峻,影响到了我国化工产业的发展和国家经济安全。

    At the same time , our country crude oil foreign import depended on for existence the unceasing enhancement , our country energy question is more and more stern , affects our country chemical industry development and the state economy security .

  6. 在不断加深的工业化、城市化进程中,中国石油需求快速增加,中国自1993年成为原油净进口国以来,原油对外依存度逐年提高。

    The process of industrialization and urbanization in China needs more oil . China has become a net crude oil importer since 1993 , and its dependence on foreign crude oil continues to improve .