
yuán zǐ jiān jù
  • atomic spacing;interatomic distance;atomic separation
  1. 所以x轴是原子间距,而y轴是能量值。

    So , the x axis is interatomic spacing , and the y axis is energy .

  2. 与平均近邻原子间距一样,Hurst指数也随温度发生了变化。

    Same to the change of mean nearest neighbor distance , the Hurst exponent also changed with temperature .

  3. 将累积量展开方法用于EXAFS数据分析,比通常所用的标样比较法求原子间距和配位数更为合理,而且精度高。

    It is more reasonable and accurate to use cumulant Expansion in EXAFS data analysis In this paper , the formula of cumulant expansion .

  4. 原子间距变小,4f电子和传导电子间的关联增强,导致样品中Nd离子磁矩的转向变得困难,从而磁性转变场增大。

    Because the interaction between 4f electrons and conduction electrons strengthens , the reverse of the Nd ions magnetic moment becomes difficult , as a result , the metamagnetism field increases .

  5. 从原子间距和M櫣lliken集居分析,发现TATB晶体中同一层分子之间存在氢键,而不同层之间距离较大,作用较弱。

    It is found that the intermolecular and intramolecular H-bonds exist in TATB crystalline according to the distances between atoms and M ü lliken overlap population .

  6. 它的载流子的迁移率比较低,并且随着温度的升高而升高,平均自由程小于晶格原子间距。

    The phonon mean free path is lower than lattice parameters .

  7. 这就是相应于势能为零时的原子间距。

    It is the distance between atoms corresponding to zero potential energy .

  8. 我想把这个系统中的能量,按照原子间距来划分。

    I want to plot energy in the system as a function of interatomic spacing .

  9. 讨论了界面处金属/有机半导体原子间距与化学键密度对界面偶极能的影响;

    The effect of atomic distances and densities of chemical bond on the interfacial dipole potential are discussed .

  10. 同时考虑电负性差和原子间距,对传统化学键离子性进行了修正。

    The classical bond ionicity is corrected from the consideration of both the electronegativity difference and bond distance .

  11. 在线性驰豫应变假设下给出了应变超晶格纵向原子间距的几何模型。

    A model of linear strain relaxation is proposed to obtain the interatomic longitudinal spacings of the strained superlattice .

  12. 电子衍射径向分布函数测定稀土顺1,4聚丁二烯的原子间距分布


  13. 同时在有限元的某些区域,有限元节点间距几乎与原子间距相等。这又将消耗大量的存储空间和计算时间。

    Meanwhile , the treatment that the distance of finite element nodes is equal to the one of adjacent atoms would consume a large amount of storage space and computation time .

  14. 平均原子间距不但依赖于团簇的尺寸,且对团簇结构的变化敏感,可以作为非晶与密堆结构晶体转变的一个判据。

    However , the mean atom distance depends on not only the cluster size , but also the cluster structure , which can be regarded as the criterion of determining the structure transformation .

  15. 通过线性拟合模拟数据,定量地给出了形状对于最邻近原子间距变化量的贡献为总变化量的2%,而对于结合能的贡献为总变化量的15%。

    By fitted the simulation results , it is found that the shape effect can lead to 2 % of the total nearest atomic distance variation and 15 % of the total cohesive energy variation .

  16. 计算结果表明,不同的基波激光强度可以明显改变电离几率随原子间距变化的趋势,而随着基波和谐波激光强度之间配比的变化,电离几率随原子间距变化的趋势基本保持不变。

    The results show that the change of ionization probability with inter-nuclei distance is clearly influenced by the laser intensities of the fundamental field , but it almost keeps unchanged with different ratios of intensity .

  17. 回归结果表明:化合物的半抑制浓度对数lgc50值与分子最大正电荷、分子偶极矩及氮氧原子间距相关.根据计算结果对该类化合物与受体的作用机制和作用位点进行了讨论。

    The result reveals that the value of lgc 50 has some relationship with the maximum positive charge of the molecule , molecular dipole moment and the distance between the nitrogen atom and the oxygen atom .

  18. 用低能电子衍射计算Ni(001)Ni(110)和Ni(111)表面化学吸附硫的表面原子层间距

    Calculation of surface atomic layers distances of chemisorption sulfur on ni ( 001 ), ni ( 110 ) and ni ( lll ) surfaces by low-enery-electron diffraction

  19. 原子内部间距,差不多也是一埃。

    Interatomic spacing is also on the order of about an angstrom .

  20. 并计算了原子的间距和键角。

    Atomic distances and angles were calculated .

  21. 本文从能量角度入手,建立了键能与原子核间距的函数关系,推导出了一个计算共价键长的公式。

    From the standpoint of energy concept , a functional relationship corre - lating bond length and internuclear distance is formulated in this article .

  22. 根据原子面间距的不同,可把Be(10(?)0)表面分为两种。

    There are two types of Be ( 101 | - 0 ) surfaces according to the interlayer spacing between the surface and its nearest-neighbor layer .

  23. 一块镍晶体中各原子平面的间距为2.15×?∶住?/UK>

    The spacing between atomic planes in a nickel crystal is 2 . 15 ×?? .

  24. 以相同原子面不同堆垛间距的模型模拟了过渡区衍射强度的分布,与实际强度符合得很好。

    Distributions of the diffraction intensities of the transition area are simulated by means of models with identical atomic planes but various packing spacings , the result agrees with the actual intensity distribution very well .

  25. 所以,比如这有一个钠离子,和一个氯离子,它们中心与中心间的距离,我把它设为,这是原子核和原子和的间距。

    So , for example , if I have a sodium ion over here , and I have a chloride ion over here , where the distance from center to center r I 'm denoting as r , this is nucleus to nucleus separation .

  26. 由于双原子分子的势能仅是原子核间距的函数,因此双原子分子势能函数是势能函数研究的基础问题。

    The study of diatomic molecular potential energy function is the basic problem because diatomic potentials depend on only a single variable , the interatomic distance .

  27. 结果表明,添加Al的合金化影响了原子间的相互作用,导致了原子间距的重新调整,从而导致了储氢性能的变化。

    The results show that aluminum substitution influences the interaction of the atoms and leads to readjustment of distances between atoms in the crystal cell .

  28. 国际上首次研究了Fe/Co,Fe/Ni,Co/Ni二元复合线性原子链的超精细场,给出了平衡原子间距,分析了电子结构,同Fe,Co,Ni单原子链的结果进行了比较。

    The hyperfine fields of Fe / Co , Fe / Ni , Co / Ni bimetallic linear chains are presented , the equilibrium atomic distance and electronic structure are investigated , with the comparison of the Fe , Co , Ni monoatomic linear chains .

  29. 从原子晶格模型出发,研究了原子振动频率及辐射随原子间距的变化规律;

    Based on the model of atom lattice , the variation of atom vibration frequency and radiation against the distance between atoms is studied in this paper .

  30. 该表面的最可能结构为Cs原子吸附在石墨面上芯位,Cs原子层与C原子层的层间距为2.80A,衬底石墨的结构与其体结构相同。

    The most probable structure is that Cs atoms adsorbed on hollow position of graphite layer with a interlayer distance of 2.80 A between Cs laver and graphite , and substrate has the same , structure as that of graphite bulk structure .