
yuán zǐ xìnɡ
  • atomicity
  1. 关系数据库还包括事务ACID属性(原子性、一致性、独立性、持久性)。

    The relational databases also include the transaction ACID property ( Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation , Durability ) .

  2. 这可确保满足事务的原子性、一致性、隔离和持久性(ACID)标准,且保证引用完整性。

    This ensures that the atomicity , consistency , isolation , and durability ( ACID ) criteria for transactions are met and that referential integrity is enforced .

  3. 这涉及确保定义明确的业务事务工作流中的ACID(原子性-一致性-独立性-持久性)属性。

    This involves ensuring ACID ( atomic-consistent-independent-durable ) attributes to well-defined business transaction workflows .

  4. 这些原子性业务规则语句也与IndustryModels中的业务类型相关联。

    These atomic business rule statements are also bound to business types within the Industry Model .

  5. CAR性质指在考虑机群受管资源之间的依赖关系情况下的一致性、原子性和可修复性问题。

    C refers to consistency , operation consistency problem caused by the relationship between managed objects .

  6. 在此基础上,介绍了在WEB服务的商业可执行语言中,如何用两阶段提交协议来保证组合WEB服务的原子性。

    Finally , providing the idea of how to ensure the composite web services using the 2PC in the BPEL .

  7. 流管理持久化旨在处理那些从事务角度来说属于原子性的SpringWebFlow用例。

    Flow-managed persistence is intended to address Spring Web Flow use cases that are considered atomic from the perspective of transactions .

  8. 文章对现在流行的安全电子交易SET标准进行分析,指出SET协议存在不满足数字商品交易的原子性以及确认发送原子性等缺陷。

    The popular protocol of the Secure Electronic Transaction ( SET ) discussed by this paper has the flaws of the goods atomic transactions and certified delivery atomic in transacting digital goods .

  9. 由于Web服务所处的松耦合环境,对于长运行的流程事务,我们很难保证其严格的ACID事务属性,而需要保证其放松的原子性和一致性。

    Because the loose couple environment of web service , we can not guarantee the ACID characters of the long running transaction , we should relax its atomicity and consistence characters .

  10. CAS支持对单一指针的原子性条件更新,但是不支持两个以上的指针。

    CAS enables atomic conditional updates on a single pointer , but not on two .

  11. IBMsolidDB实现了与ACID(原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性)兼容的内存缓存来提高数据持久性。

    IBM solidDB implements ACID-compliant ( Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation , Durability ) in-memory cache to provide data durability .

  12. 当使用多个事务资源管理器时,SCA容器使用一个两阶段提交实现原子性。

    The SCA container uses a two phase commit to achieve atomicity when multiple transactional resource managers are used .

  13. 如果您知道volatile关键字在Java语言中仅仅保证变量的可见性,而不保证原子性,那么这应该会引起您的注意。

    If you know that the volatile keyword in the Java language only guarantees variable visibility , but not atomicity , this should make you pause .

  14. 设计合理的容错机制以维持流程中的ACID(原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性)特性是设计SOA解决方案的一大挑战。

    Designing appropriate fault tolerant mechanisms to maintaining ACID ( Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation and Durability ) properties in process flows poses a big challenge in designing SOA solutions .

  15. 这些任务可以合称为ACID测试;ACID是Atomicity(原子性)、Consistency(一致性)、Isolation(隔离性)和Durability(持久性)的缩略词。

    These tasks can be collectively referred to as the ACID test ; ACID is an acronym for Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation , and Durability .

  16. 该事务将具有原子性、一致性、并与ACID的ACI隔离(由于全在内存中,因此不具有持久性)。

    The transaction will be atomic , consistent , and isolated & the ACI of ACID ( no durability , since this is all in memory ) .

  17. 他们依赖于原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性(ACID)这样的特征以及半个世纪以前不存在的一系列数据管理技术和方法。

    They depend on characteristics such as atomicity , consistency , isolation , and durability ( ACID ) properties as well as a range of data management technologies and methodologies that did not exist a half century ago .

  18. 把代码块声明为synchronized,有两个重要后果,通常是指该代码具有原子性(atomicity)和可见性(visibility)。

    Declaring a block of code to be synchronized has two important consequences , generally referred to as atomicity and visibility .

  19. 虽然synchronized的语义中确实包括互斥和原子性,但在管程进入之前和在管程退出之后发生的事情要复杂得多。

    While the semantics of synchronized do include mutual exclusion and atomicity , the reality of what happens prior to monitor entry and after monitor exit is considerably more complicated .

  20. 尤其是,需要像BOM的规范化模型中那样,使用便于理解的业务类型定义原子性规则语句中的业务类型。

    In particular , you need to ensure that business types within atomic rule statements are defined using well-understood business types , as expressed within the normalized model of BOM .

  21. 原子性(Atomicity):如果成功,则所有操作都发生,如果不成功,则所有操作都不发生。

    Atomicity : If successful , then all the operations happen , and if unsuccessful , then none of the operations happen .

  22. 另外,还可以使用RequisitePro在原子性业务规则和调用此规则的服务之间创建可跟踪性关系。

    Additionally , using RequisitePro , you can create a traceability relationship between the atomic business rule and the service where this rule is invoked .

  23. Mnesia支持ACID(A=原子性,C=一致性,I=隔离性,D=耐久性),不过也提供仅限于内存的数据表操作能力(以牺牲耐久性为代价)。

    Mnesia supports ACID ( Atomicity , Consistency , Isolation and Durability ), but also offers the ability to perform in memory only operations on tables ( at the expense of durability ) .

  24. 最后从实体认证、安全性、匿名与可追究性、非否认性、原子性、可扩展性、公平性以及效率等方面对提出的DGT协议进行了分析。

    In the end , the paper analyzes the DGT protocol through security , anonymity , non-repudiation , atomicity and fairness .

  25. 满足原子性和公平匿名性的AFAP协议研究

    Research of AFAP Protocol Realizing Atomicity and Fair Anonymity

  26. 低级(lower-level)技巧涉及在体系结构中尽可能低的层启动事务,同时仍然能够更新操作的原子性和隔离。

    The lower-level technique involves starting the transaction at the lowest possible layer in the architecture while still being able to maintain atomicity and isolation of the update operations .

  27. 本文分析比较了SSL协议和SET协议,针对协议的不足,提出了比较具体的改进措施,加强了数据管理的安全性,满足了原子性。

    The paper analyzes and compares SSL and SET from various aspects , including analysis on deficiency and the detailed suggestions for the improvement of both SSL and SET . It also includes enhancing the security of transaction record management and satisfying the atomicity of protocol .

  28. 对于RequisitePro中的需求工件(策略、语句和原子性规则),可以添加一个定制的属性,其中包含对JRules中特定规则或规则组的引用。

    For requirements artifacts within RequisitePro ( policies , statements , atomic rules ), a custom property can be added that contains a reference to a specific rule or group of rules within JRules .

  29. 最后,设计并实现了一个数据竞争及原子性检测原型工具MIDAC。

    Finally , we design and implement a data race and atomicity prototype checker named MIDAC .

  30. 注意,CMPXCHG指令是原子性的,这意味着在这个指令结束之前没有可见的中间状态。

    Note that the CMPXCHG instruction is atomic , which means that there is no intermediate visible state of the system before this instruction finishes .