
xiè rèn
  • Retirement;retired from office;be relieved of one's office
卸任 [xiè rèn]
  • [be relieved of one's office;retired from office] 指官吏离职

卸任[xiè rèn]
  1. 在卸任国际奥委会主席后,他还担任了联合国青年、难民和体育问题特使。

    After his IOC presidency for Youth , Refugees and Sport to the United Nations .

  2. 今年八月,在Myspace被广告技术公司SpecificMedia收购后,我卸任CEO一职。

    In August , after specific media acquired MySpace , I stepped down as CEO .

  3. 近日,美国电子艺界(ElectronicsArts)前首席执行官约翰•里奇泰洛在3月30日卸任后首度公开发表讲话。

    Former electronics arts CEO John riccitiello recently made his first public speech since stepping down on March 30 .

  4. 高通创始人兼首任CEO欧文•雅各布于2005年卸任,保罗•雅各布随后子承父业。

    Then his son Paul took over .

  5. 包括美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)在内,他的朋友们应该劝他在发生更多损害之前卸任。

    His friends , including President George W. Bush , should persuade him to stand down before more damage is done .

  6. 桑德伯格的加入意味着Facebook董事会成员人数的扩编,因为预计现任董事中将不会有人卸任。

    This will represent an expansion of the Facebook board , as no current directors are expected to step down .

  7. 随着大卫•吉尔(DavidGill)于下月卸任行政总裁一职,该俱乐部将面临重大变革。

    With David Gill stepping down as chief executive next month , the club faces a lot of change .

  8. 董事长惠特克(EdwardE.Whitacre)将在9月1日卸任。

    Chief executive Edward Whitacre is leaving September first .

  9. 当多纳霍明年卸任时,他就已经在eBay干满10年了。

    When Donahoe steps down next year , he will have spent 10 years at eBay .

  10. 即将卸任的保守的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)政府擅长上演国际秀。

    The outgoing conservative government of Lee Myung-bak was good at putting on an international show .

  11. 上周五,花旗集团(Citigroup)宣布,董事长理查德•帕森斯即将卸任。

    On Friday , Citigroup ( c ) said that its chairman Richard Parsons is stepping down .

  12. 上周四晚间,甲骨文公司(Oracle)突然宣布,创始人拉里•埃里森将卸任CEO。

    On Thursday evening , Oracle announced to much surprise that founder and CEO Larry Ellison will step down from his long-held post .

  13. 钱德里说,他曾给乔布斯发过几次邮件,但他也承认,有着身为叙利亚人的自尊,他不会给儿子打电话。史蒂夫•乔布斯刚刚卸任苹果CEO。

    He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him .

  14. 钱德里说,他曾给乔布斯发过几次邮件,但他也承认,由于有着身为叙利亚人的自尊,他不会给儿子打电话。史蒂夫·乔布斯刚刚卸任苹果CEO。

    He said he has emailed the former Apple CEO a few times but admitted that Syrian pride means he would never call him 。

  15. 62岁的钟浩威(JoeHatfield)即将卸任沃尔玛中国公司(Wal-MartChina)总裁,他喜欢谈论中国不同地区和城镇客户的差异。

    Joe Hatfield , the 62-year-old outgoing chief executive of Wal-Mart China , loves talking about how customers change across regions and towns .

  16. 自从乔布斯卸任CEO后,苹果股价一旧如此强劲,这是整个团队力量的证明。

    The fact that Apple 's stock price has been so strong since Jobs left as CEO is a credit to the strength of the team .

  17. 乔布斯给世界带来了iPhone,iPod和iPad,今年8月他因为健康问题卸任。

    Steve Jobs brought the world the iPhone , iPod and iPad . He stepped down in August because of health problems .

  18. 我们正在建造中国的基础设施。马云将于5月份卸任阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)CEO职位,但仍将担任董事局执行主席。

    We are building Chinas infrastructure , said Mr Ma , who will step down as chief executive of Alibaba Group in May but will stay on as its executive chairman .

  19. 即将卸任的美国参谋长联席会议(USJointChiefsofStaff)主席、海军上将威廉马伦(AdmiralWilliamMullen)曾将美国的债务描述为对国家安全的头号威胁。

    Admiral William Mullen , outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , has described the national debt as the greatest threat to US national security .

  20. 若获得世行理事会的确认,佐立克将接替定于6月30日卸任的保罗•沃尔福威茨(PaulWolfowitz)。

    If confirmed by the World Bank 's board , Mr Zoellick would replace Paul Wolfowitz who steps down on June 30 .

  21. 后来安卓操作系统(Android)的创建人安迪o鲁宾卸任,转而在谷歌内部领导一个秘密的机器人项目,拉里o佩奇便任命皮查伊一并负责安卓业务。

    And when Android creator Andy Rubin left to begin a secret robotics project within Google , Page put Pichai in charge of Android as well .

  22. 史蒂夫•鲍尔默日前已经启动了卸任进程,宣布将于明年9月从担任超过13年的微软(Microsoft)CEO职位上退下来。

    Steve Ballmer today began his farewell tour , announcing that next September he will step down as CEO of Microsoft after more than 13 years in the position .

  23. 两年前,在马云卸任CEO的时候,他强调自己太老了,不适合管理一家科技公司。

    When Mr. Ma stepped aside from the chief executive role two years ago , he emphasized that he had grown too old to run a technology company .

  24. 自2012年卸任数字巧克力公司CEO以来,霍金斯一直在全身心地打理如果你能公司(IfYouCanCompany)&一家旨在为6到12岁孩童创造教育视频游戏的初创企业。

    Since stepping down as CEO of digital chocolate in 2012 , Hawkins has been focusing his attention on if you can company , a startup that creates educational videogames for 6 - to 12-year-olds .

  25. 据BBC新闻的瑞汉·德米雷从第比利斯带来的报道,即将卸任的总统所在政党的候选人承认失败。

    From Tbilisi , the BBC 's Rayhan Demytrie reports the candidate for the party of the outgoing president is admitting defeat .

  26. 他只是写道,他一直都在说,如果他觉得无法在工作中达到他认为的高标准时,他会卸任苹果CEO一职。

    He wrote only that he had always said he would step down as CEO if he felt he could no longer do the job to his high standards .

  27. 在2011年8月乔布斯卸任苹果公司CEO的时候,这家最初在他父母车库里建立起来的公司,已经成为全世界最富有的企业。

    In August 2011 , right before he stepped down as CEO , the enterprise he started in his parents " garage became the world 's most valuable company .

  28. WilsonFeng已卸任美林(MerrillLynch)投资银行业务中国区董事长一职,转而供职于中国国有企业。

    Wilson Feng has left his post as a chairman of China investment banking for Merrill Lynch to work in China 's state-owned enterprises .

  29. 旧金山——根据Twitter公司周四公布的消息,陷入困境的公司首席执行官迪克·科斯特罗(DickCostolo)即将卸任。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Dick Costolo , Twitter 's embattled chief executive , is stepping down , the company said Thursday .

  30. 随着Facebook公司股价持续下跌,一些批评人士指责马克-扎克伯格能力有限,要求他卸任CEO职务。

    As Facebook 's share price continues to plummet , critics have accused Mark Zuckerberg of being ' in over his hoodie ' and called for him to step down as CEO .