
luǎn xínɡ chénɡ
  • Egg formation;ovification
  1. 本文通过酶活性分析及免疫化学方法研究了家蚕Bombyxmori蛹期酸性半胱氨酸蛋白酶的组织分布、合成部位及在卵形成过程中的变化。

    The distribution and biosynthesis sites of the acid cysteine proteinase in silkworm , Bombyx mori , Were studied by means of activity assay and immunological experiments .

  2. 雌蚊卵形成期间DNA相对稳定,吸血后卵巢开始发育,RNA含量明显增加,36&48小时达到高峰,然后逐渐下降。

    The DNA levels remain relatively constant during ovarian development of the female mosquitoes . After a blood meal , the RNA content began to increase and reached a peak by 36 to 48 hours and then gradually decreased .

  3. 日本血吸虫卵形成的生理

    Histological and histochemical studies on the egg formation of Schistosoma japonicum

  4. 轮虫休眠卵形成和萌发的生态机理研究进展

    Advances in studies on the ecological mechanism of the formation and hatching of resting eggs of Rotifers

  5. 受精卵形成、胚胎发育及胚胎着床是受孕过程中的几个关键性的步骤。

    Fertilization , embryo development and embryo implantation are several key steps in the process of pregnancy .

  6. 由未受精卵形成新个体的过程;在昆虫和其他节肢动物中比较普遍。

    Process in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual ; common among insects and some other arthropods .

  7. 休眠卵形成和萌发时的光照条件对其累积萌发率无显著的影响;

    There were no significant effects of the illumination conditions in which resting eggs were produced and hatched on the accumulative hatching rate .

  8. 虫卵可溶性抗原对日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿形成的影响

    Effects of soluble egg antigens on Schistosoma japonicum egg granuloma formation

  9. 雷公藤煎剂对小鼠肝脏日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿形成的影响

    Effect of Tripterygium wilfordii Decoct on the Schistosoma japonicum Egg-granuloma Formation in the Mouse Liver

  10. 这说明了这两条信号通路参与调控了卤虫休眠卵的形成。

    This indicated that these two signaling pathways were involved in the formation of Artemia diapause embryos .

  11. 日本血吸虫卵肉芽肿形成中细胞成分及其相互关系的动态观察

    Dynamic Observation on Cellular Composition and Their Interrelations in Egg Granulomas in Murine Liver Infected with S. Japonicum

  12. 小鼠不同类型孤雌激活卵的形成及其孤雌胚发育状况的研究

    The Formation of Different Parthenogenetic Activation Type treated with Different Activators and the Development Comparison between Haploid and Diploid Parthenogenetic Embryos

  13. 结果:用含有0.125%蟑螂绝育剂的毒饵饲喂德国小蠊若虫,其成虫期和雌虫卵荚形成期与对照组相比略微滞后,其卵荚中无若虫孵出;

    Results : Feed the larvae of Blattella germanica with 0.125 % cockroach sterilization agent bait , there was no larvae incubated from ovums .

  14. 受精卵一旦形成,基因就给我们编制“程序”,我们的潜能根本上受到这个“程序”的限制。

    Our genes program us instantly when the fertilized ovum is formed , and our potentialities are virtually limited by that " program " .

  15. 5D及6D平均形成囊胚340个,每受精卵的囊胚形成率为329%。

    The mean number of blastocyst per person was 3.40 in 5th or 6th day and the blastocyst formation rate per fertilized ovum was 32.9 % .

  16. 常见1~3个卵泡上皮细胞包围的卵母细胞形成原始卵泡;

    The primary follicle often consists of 1 - 3 follicular cells .

  17. 第7阶段:卵黄球形成逐渐充满卵质,胚泡膜逐渐消失。

    Ooplasm was gradually filled up with yolk granules , and the membrane of the germinal vesicle began to disappear .

  18. 多年来,人们一直认为,女性在出生时体内的卵细胞就形成了并确定了。

    For years , the thinking has been that women are born with all the eggs their bodies will ever produce .

  19. 同时获得了牙鲆和大菱鲆受精卵从胚盘形成到4-细胞期的一系列中心体、纺锤体及核的变化图象。

    A serial of images of centrosomes , spindle and nuclear in olive flounder and turbot fertilized eggs from blastodisc formation to 4-cell stage were observed .

  20. 哺乳动物受精是由一系列复杂有序的步骤组成的细胞相互作用过程,最终导致精卵质膜融合形成受精卵。

    Mammalian fertilization consists of an intricate cascade of cell-cell interactions that culminate in the fusion of sperm and egg membranes and formation of a zygote .

  21. 一个精子与卵细胞融合形成合子;另一个精子与次生极核融合形成初生胚乳核。(3)胚发育属茄型。

    A sperm and egg cell fusion formation of homozygous ; another sperm and secondary Primary endosperm formation of a nuclear fusion . ( 3 ) The development of embryo belongs to solanad type .

  22. 生殖细胞进入花粉管后分裂形成两个精细胞,其中一个精细胞与卵细胞融合形成合子,另一个精细胞与两个极核融合形成初生胚乳核。

    The reproductive organ divide into two Sperm cells after go into pollen tube , one Sperm cell combines with egg cell become zygote , the other Sperm cell combine with two polar nucleus become primary Endosperm nuclear .

  23. 还有怎么强调也不过分的是:如今科学家可以跟踪受精卵在分裂形成胚胎时蛋白质的变化过程,他们还能追踪阿兹海默症和帕金森病患者体内相关蛋白的累积情况,委员会说。

    The importance can 't be overemphasized : Now , scientists can see how proteins in fertilized eggs divide into embryos , or they can track proteins involved in Alzheimer 's or Parkinson 's diseases , the committee said .

  24. 对36头西门塔尔、23头夏洛来和12头利木赞牛冷冻精子的实验结果表明:三个品种的牛冻精均能穿入去透明带仓鼠卵,并形成发育良好的雄原核。

    We detected the frozen-thawed sperm of 36 Simmental , 23 Charolais and 12 Limousin , the results showed that the frozen-thawed sperm of these three breeds could penetrate the zona-free ova of hamster , and formed male pronucleuses .

  25. 卵细胞自发分裂形成2细胞原胚,4细胞原胚到多细胞球型原胚,进一步发育为无融合生殖胚。

    Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo . In the end it developed into apomixis embryo .

  26. 结果表明,冷气射流与燃气主流的掺混以及卵型涡的形成,使得吸力面根部出现了与通道涡旋向相反的涡系;

    The experimental results showed that a little vortex in opposite direction of rotation emerged as the passage vortex existed at the root of suction surface . The vortex was induced mainly by mixing between mainstream and injecting air , and resulted from formation of kidney-shaped vortex .

  27. 温度高于36℃,相对湿度小于15%都不会形成卵孢子,光照对卵孢子形成无影响。

    Oospores could not form when the temperature is higher than 36 ℃ and relative humidity is lower than 15 % .

  28. 柞蚕卵黄磷蛋白的鉴定、纯化及其在卵形成和胚胎发育中的变化

    Identification , purification of vitellin from the Chinese oak silkworm and its content change during oogenesis and embryogenesis

  29. 卵黄磷蛋白作为一种蛋白贮藏物,是卵细胞形成期间积累在卵黄颗粒中的一种主要蛋白组份,它在胚胎发育中起着重要的作用。

    As a stored protein , vitellin is a major protein component accumulated in vitellus granules during the formation of ovotids . The protein plays an important role in the development of embryos .