
  • 网络CARDINAL;Cardinale
  1. 而对于卡迪纳尔来说,这也相当于是他故乡的遗址。

    And for Cardinal this is his own family heritage too .

  2. 问题3卡迪纳尔设计的新博物馆外形像什么?

    Question 3 . What does the new building designed by Cardinal look like ?

  3. 问题4卡迪纳尔的设计的新建筑呈现了怎样的传统?

    Question 4 . What kind of traditions are represented in Cardinal 's new building ?

  4. 但是我难以想象卡迪纳尔设计出和国会大厦一样传统古典风格的东西。

    But I can 't imagine Cardinal designing anything in the traditional classical style of the Capitol .

  5. 卡迪纳尔补充道,外向和内向是人们的性格倾向,和能力没有关系,事实上,这两种性格的人都会表现出与其性格相反的特点。

    Extroversion and Introversion are preferences , not skills , so both types can very effectively act out traits of their opposite , Cardinal added .

  6. 在博物馆的设计过程中卡迪纳尔十分注意尊重美洲印第安人的价值观和传统,比如对一年四季中风向和太阳位置的把握。

    And in designing this museum he was careful to respect the various Native American values and traditions , like paying attentions to the directions of winds and the position of the sun in different seasons of the year .