
  • CASIO;G-Shock
  1. 2010年,日本电气公司(NECCorp.)、日立(HitachiLtd.)和卡西欧(CasioComputerCo.)组建了一家手机合资公司,日本电气担当大股东。

    NEC Corp. , Hitachi Ltd. , and Casio Computer Co. in 2010 joined forces to form a cellphone joint venture majority owned by NEC .

  2. 卡西欧FX-4800P计算器编程在滹沱河倒虹吸工程施工测量中的应用

    Application of CASIO FX-4800P calculator which in construction survey of Hutuo River inverted siphon project

  3. 2011年,卡西欧在认定其电话机和液晶显示器(LCD)部门投资负担过大后剥离了这两个部门。

    In 2011 , the company jettisoned two divisions - phones and LCDs - after deeming the investment burden too great .

  4. 上周,包括卡西欧(Casio)、日立(Hitachi)和奥林巴斯(Olympus)在内的一系列日本电子产品公司预测,其销售将从10月份开始复苏。

    This week , a string of Japanese electronics companies , including Casio , Hitachi and Olympus , predicted that sales would recover from October .

  5. 就连卡西欧(Casio)的G-Shock现在也有蓝牙连接,用以接收信息通知——此外它还有个优势,那就是看起来的确像块手表。

    Even Casio 's G-Shock now has a Bluetooth connection to receive message notifications - and has the benefit of actually looking like a watch .

  6. 本文从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以本人在公司电子辞典科从事大区销售管理工作为基础,对卡西欧公司电子辞典STP营销及销售渠道的重新构建的相关问题进行分析和研究。

    The thesis basis on marketing management and channel management theory discussed problem on STP marketing and distribution channel rebuild of CASIO electronic dictionary products . Firstly , the paper gives the brief introduction about the CASIO CO.

  7. 这款卡西欧自拍相机的官方名称是ExilimTR,它在中国被称为“自拍神器”,意思是神奇的自拍工具。

    The Casio 's official name is Exilim TR , but it 's mostly known as " zipai shenqi " in China , which means " Godly tool for selfies . "

  8. 卡西欧业务方案部产品营销高级经理盖伊•波克索尔委托YouGov进行了此次调查。他表示,尽管去商业街购物的人数量锐减,但人类毕竟是“社会动物”,还是喜欢在一起消磨时间。

    Guy Boxall , senior product marketing manager at Casio Business Solutions Division , which commissioned the research from YouGov , said that despite the fall in people visiting the high street , humans are " social creatures " who actually like spending time together .

  9. 卡西欧的股价正处于7年高点。

    The share price is at a seven-year high .

  10. 庆典得到了英国总领事馆文化教育处及卡西欧(上海)贸易有限公司的大力支持。

    The ceremony is pledged with full support from British Council and Casio Shanghai .

  11. 杰里科有一个经营良好的卡西欧工厂,加沙有一个新机场。

    There was a successful casino in Jericho and a new airport in Gaza .

  12. 而卡西欧的成功不仅仅是因为其生产了时髦的利基产品。

    But Casio 's successes are not only because of its nifty niche products .

  13. 我会送你这个这是新一代的卡西欧技巧型摄像机

    maybe I will send you this , it 's a brand-new Casio trick camera

  14. 卡西欧似乎不能免俗。

    Casio seems to fit the pattern .

  15. 卡西欧液晶显示袖珍彩色电视

    Casio LCD pocket color television

  16. 去年11月,卡西欧的市值20年来首次超过夏普。

    Last November , Casio 's market value overtook Sharp 's for the first time in two decades .

  17. 卡西欧的核心能力是在小型化技术、微处理器设计、材料科学和极薄的精确模具。

    Casio 's core competences are in miniaturization , micro-processor design , material science and ultra-thin precision casings .

  18. 夏普的收入自2008年以来仅下降了十分之一,现在的收入是卡西欧的9倍。

    Revenues have fallen only one-tenth since 2008 and its top line is nine times larger than Casio 's.

  19. 所以说,卡西欧的最引人之处在于:敢于做出艰难的决定。

    So Casio 's most attractive feature is this : it is brave enough to make hard decisions .

  20. 紧跟卡西欧产品营销策略,建立了琴行、音乐教室、网站的分销渠道。

    It follows the strategy of product sales of Casio to establish three channels of music shop , music classroom and Web .

  21. 两部卡西欧手机交换的数据量非常小:不过是添加在社交网站图片中的虚拟对话框。

    The data being exchanged by Casio 's phones were trifles : message balloons to be added to pictures on social-networking sites .

  22. 日本电器厂商卡西欧和日立表示希望双方的高科技手提电话合资企业能在首年即实现盈利。

    TOKYO ( AFP ) - Japanese electronics makers Casio and Hitachi said they expect their hi-tech cellphone joint venture to be profitable in the first year of operations .

  23. 目前,这两部不过是日本卡西欧公司的样机,它们能通过改变自身屏幕的光强来传传输数字信号。

    These phones , as yet only prototypes from Casio , a Japanese firm , transmit digital signals by varying the intensity of the light given off from their screens .

  24. 自2008年以来,卡西欧的成本降幅超过了收入的降幅,这使得其营业利润率上升了2个百分点至8%。

    Since 2008 , costs have fallen more than revenues , allowing operating margins to expand by 2 percentage points , to 8 per cent . Net income has doubled .

  25. 歌曲选好后的第二天,迈克尔在卡西欧歌曲里声音的真实性第一次遭到质疑。

    The day after the submission and selection of the album tracks , for the very first time , the authenticity of Michael 's vocals on the Cascio tracks was questioned .

  26. 当歌曲提交给索尼后,有三首卡西欧的歌曲被选择放在专辑中,《爆炸新闻》就是其中之一。

    After the tracks were submitted to Sony , three of these Cascio songs were selected to be on the album , and " Breaking News " was one of the three .

  27. 但卡西欧公司发现这项技术有更大的应用前景,比如将智能手机对准发光的商店招牌读取通过灯光传送的信息:如营业时间或最新优惠。

    But the firm sees bigger applications , such as pointing a smartphone at an illuminated shop sign to read information being transmitted by the light : opening times , for example , or the latest bargains .