
  • 网络Carol;carlo;CARO;Karo;calo
  1. 在测量快中子(n,p)反应的实验中,同样利用屏栅电离室测得聚乙烯薄膜反冲质子的能谱,并利用蒙特-卡罗方法对其进行校正,从而得到中子的绝对注量率。

    Using gridded ionization chamber , energy spectrum of recoil proton was obtained in the measurement of ( n , p ) reaction , and corrected using Monte Carlo method .

  2. 二维随机三角点阵上三态和四态Potts模型的蒙特&卡罗重整化群研究

    Monte Carlo renormalization group study of three-state and four-state Potts model on two-dimensional random triangle lattice

  3. 经过5次尝试后,卡罗终于通过了驾驶执照考试&凡人毕竟皆有得意日。

    After five attempts Carol finally passed her driving test-after all , every dog has its day .

  4. 卡罗说:"政府接管无人驾驶汽车并将其视为公共物品的想法在这里绝对行不通。"。

    " The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here , " says Calo .

  5. 卡罗:(萝莉开始再度运球)现在那样做十分钟

    Carol : [ Laurie starts dribbling again ] Now do that for ten minutes .

  6. 用蒙特-卡罗方法模拟质子X荧光分析中的荧光增强因子

    The Monte-Carlo simulation of the fluorescence enhancing effect in PIXE

  7. 英超球队切尔西宣布前AC米兰教头安切洛蒂。卡罗出任俱乐部的新的教练。

    English Premer League side Chelsea have confirmed the appointment of former AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti as the club 's new manager .

  8. X射线能谱处理中NaI(Tl)闪烁体边界效应矩阵的蒙特-卡罗计算

    Monte-Carlo calculation of edge effect matrixes in nai ( tl ) detector used for X-ray spectrometry

  9. 乔伊斯.卡罗.欧茨(JoyceCarolOates):这个极端高产的作家(看看Wikipedia上她的页面中的著作列表)获得了无数个奖项,其中包括美国国家图书奖(NationalBookAward)。

    This extremely prolific writer ( see her bibliography on her Wikipedia page !) has won numerous awards , including the National Book Award .

  10. 其中的重要作品包括阿根廷艺术家安东尼奥·伯尼(AntonioBerni)和弗里达·卡罗(FridaKahlo)的大作。

    Highlights include works by the Argentine artist Antonio Berni and Frida Kahlo .

  11. 巨人队又输了,比分是:13:6。这里是WEFL电视台,卡罗.格林为您报道。

    The Giants lost again.The score was 13to 6.For WEFL , I 'm Carol Green .

  12. 《镜子,镜子》(MirrorMirror)肖像展将于本月在曼哈顿的斯洛克莫顿美术馆开幕,将卡罗呈现为一个塑造形象的魔法师,同她的精神后裔麦当娜(Madonna)一样狡黠多变。

    In " Mirror , Mirror , " a portrait-survey that opens this month at Throckmorton Fine Art in Manhattan , Kahlo is revealed to have been an image wizard as canny as her spiritual descendant , Madonna .

  13. LadyGaga和碧昂斯(Beyoncé)之类的艺人聪明地沿着她在Instagram出现几十年前便已开创的道路,塑造出对公众友好的唯我主义者形象……然而,卡罗在某些方面仍然是一个谜。

    and that entertainers like Lady Gaga and Beyonc é shrewdly adapted the lessons pioneered by a publicity-friendly solipsist who anticipated the Instagram era by many decades , Kahlo remains in some ways an enigma .

  14. 得到的结果与志水隆一等人用复杂的蒙特-卡罗计算得到的结果很接近,并优于Reuter的经验公式和Love等人用简单的蒙特-卡罗计算得到的拟合公式。

    Our results are quite close to the results obtained by Shimizu et al . using the complex Monte Carlo simulation , and better than the Reuter 's empirical equation and Love 's regression equation based on the simple Monte Carlo simulation .

  15. 在同时考虑偏振模色散(PMD)及偏振相关损耗(PDL)情况下,分别通过理论和蒙特-卡罗方法研究了光传输链路的输出信号偏振态相关函数。

    The autocorrelation function of the output polarization states of the optical transmission links in presence of polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) was investigated by theory and Monte-Carlo simulation method .

  16. 用基于两体碰撞近似的动态蒙特-卡罗模拟方法和Boltzmann输运方程近似解法,研究注入离子在无定形固体靶中投影射程分布的统计特性。

    In this paper , the statistical properties of projection range distributions in amorphous solids are investigated by using the approximate solution of the Boltzmann transport equation and the dynamic Monte Carlo simulation , which is based on the binary collision approximation .

  17. 2010年,法国模特兼演员伊莎贝尔·卡罗(IsabelleCaro)的去世进一步推动人们要求采取举措,解决厌食症问题。卡罗一度只有55磅重。

    The death in 2010 of a French model and actress , Isabelle Caro , who at one point weighed just 55 pounds , fueled further calls for steps to address anorexia .

  18. 托尼奖得主,舞台设计师斯科特·帕斯克为布展特意去了墨西哥城,将自己浸淫在卡罗与里维拉的世界之中,回来便在林木茂密的纽约布朗克斯复现了他们的居所“蓝房子”(LaCasaAzul),令展览更加引人入胜。

    For this surprising exhibition , the Tony Award-winning stage designer Scott Pask traveled to Mexico City to immerse himself in the world of Kahlo and Rivera , returning to recreate in the leafy Bronx the grounds of their home , La Casa Azul .

  19. 卡罗:我呆在家里打扫房间。

    Carol : I stayed at home and cleaned the house .

  20. 卡罗:真的吗?她住在纽约?

    Carol : No kidding ? She lives in New York ?

  21. 卡罗:是的,有。非常漂亮。

    Carol : Yes , there is . It 's beautiful .

  22. 据说卡罗时常举办这类聚会。

    Word is , carlo 's parties are a regular event .

  23. 卡罗:史蒂文,我想和你谈谈。

    Carol : Steven , I want to talk to you .

  24. 卡罗:政府决心镇压的消息。

    Carol : The message that the government is cracking down .

  25. 卡罗与里维拉在这些家庭照上显得熠熠生辉。

    both Kahlo and Rivera shine forth from these domestic images .

  26. 卡罗:是的,但是应该有人们在吸烟的镜头。

    Carol : Yes , but you should show people smoking .

  27. 卡罗:我不想谈他。

    Carol : I don 't want to talk about him .

  28. 卡罗:谢谢你,史蒂文。你真好。

    Carol : Thank you , Steven . That 's nice .

  29. 卡罗:你可以帮我们换到另一间房间吗?

    Carol : can you move us to a different room ?

  30. 卡罗:好,我们从基础的开始吧。

    Carol : OK , let 's begin with the basics .