
  • 网络Cargill;Kargil
  1. 我叫罗斯?卡吉尔,EPA的主管

    My name is Russ Cargill and I 'm head of the EPA ,

  2. 卡吉尔公司国际业务关系主任德夫利.鲍夫纳说,利润是该公司参与其中的原因。

    Profit is the reason Cargill gets involved in development , says the company 's director of international business relations , Devry Boughner .

  3. 孟买袭击事件被形容为印度的911事件,它为这波新的媒体浪潮提供了一次来自第一线的全球新闻事件,这还是1999年印度与巴基斯坦卡吉尔战争(KargilWar)后的首次。

    The attacks on Mumbai , which are being described as India 's 9 / 11 , provided this new wave of media with its first frontline global news event since the Kargil War between India and Pakistan in 1999 .

  4. 她还是一个经常受到命运女神特别垂青的人。她的幸运在于,罢工矿工的领导人阿瑟·斯卡吉尔是一个强硬的马克思主义者;

    She was also often outrageously lucky : lucky that the striking miners were led by Arthur Scargill , a hardline Marxist ;

  5. 在美国政府、技术服务公司和美国农业巨头企业卡吉尔公司的帮助下,家禽饲养业的改造开始了。

    An industry transformation began with help from the U.S. government , the business-focused development group TechnoServe , and the U.S. agribusiness giant , Cargill .

  6. 他边走边吸着他的雪茄,显然同卡吉尔先生一样已陷入沉思(沃尔特斯科特爵士)。

    He walked on , sucking his cigar , and apparently in as abstracted a mood as Mr. Cargill himself ( Sir Walter Scott ) .

  7. 在国会简报会上,卡吉尔公司的德夫利。鲍夫纳以商业理由来说明援助符合公司和国家的长远利益。

    At the congressional briefing , Cargill 's Devry Boughner made the business case that aid is in the company 's and the country 's long-term interest .

  8. 在国会简报会上,卡吉尔公司的德夫利.鲍夫纳以商业理由来说明援助符合公司和国家的长远利益。

    Business case for aid At the congressional briefing , Cargill 's Devry Boughner made the business case that aid is in the company 's and the country 's long-term interest .

  9. 在剑桥还有一段有趣的小插曲,对于丹尼尔,斯卡吉尔来说可并不有趣,他作为霍布斯的追随者受到了驱逐,换言之他成为了霍布斯主义者。

    A rather amusing episode in Cambridge , well not amusing for Danial Scargill , who got expelled from his fellowship for being a Hobbist in other words a follower of Hobbes .

  10. 赫斯渥认出他是卡吉尔,芝加哥一家也叫做卡吉尔的大马厩的主人。他最后一次见到他是在阿佛莱会堂,那天晚上嘉莉在那里演出。

    Hurstwood recognised cargill , the owner of the large stables in Chicago of the same name , whom he had last seen at avery hall , the night Carrie appeared there .

  11. 支持者说,该协议将在美国创造就业机会。鲍夫纳指出,长远来看,当私营企业能够帮助改造一些行业,如卡吉尔公司在莫桑比克所为,援助就能够成为贸易,使投资获得有价值的回报。

    A big free trade agreement with South Korea is currently before the Senate that backers say will create jobs in the U.S. In the long run , Boughner says , when private businesses can help transform industries , as Cargill helped to do in Mozambique , aid can become trade and provide a valuable return on investments .