
  • 网络cali;Carley;KARI
  1. 新泽西州顾问卡利•约斯特(CaliWilliamsYost)说,经常和你的老板沟通,坐下来,谈谈做得怎么样了。

    Establish ' an ongoing conversation ' with your boss , says Cali Williams Yost , a Madison , N.J. , consultant . ' Sit down , talk about how it 's working . '

  2. 但新泽西州麦迪逊(Madison)的培训与咨询公司Flex+StrategyGroup的首席执行长卡利12539;威廉斯12539;约斯特(CaliWilliamsYost)说,在你过度关注工作时间之前,请确认上司真正的期望。

    But before you get too hung up on work hours , check your assumptions about what the boss wants , says Cali Williams Yost , chief executive officer of Flex + Strategy Group , a Madison , N.J. , training and consulting firm .

  3. 研究结果令卡利始料未及。

    The findings caught Carli off guard .

  4. 卡利说,他的研究最为关键的一点在于为家长、教师和精神保健服务人员提供新的旱期警示信号。

    Carli says that one of the most significant things about his study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents , teachers and mental health-care providers .

  5. 穆德:他们不能夺走x档案,史卡利,他们试过了。

    MULDER : They can 't take away the X-Files , Scully . They tried .

  6. 《财富》(fortune)杂志刊登了讲述他经历长篇文章,也提出了一个问题:“斯卡利笨蛋还是冠军?”

    He gave an extended account of his experiences to Fortune magazine , which posed the question : " Sculley chump or Champ ? "

  7. 只有两个人知道奥斯卡奖获奖名单,他们负责审计整个流程,这两个人就是PwC公司的税务顾问玛莎?瑞兹和会计师布莱恩?卡利南。

    Only two people know the Oscars winners list and supervise the counting procedures - PwC tax adviser Martha Ruiz and Brian Cullinan an accountant .

  8. 更让人不解的是持反对意见的安东??斯卡利亚(AntoninScalia)法官的论调。

    More puzzling yet was the tone of the other dissent , by Antonin Scalia .

  9. 麦克•卡利(MikeCarley)正在安德森MBA读第二年,但是他最近已经拿到了一个工作机会。在Adobe完成暑期实习后,他拿到了产品营销经理的offer。

    Mike Carley is in the second year of his MBA at Anderson , but recently secured a job offer from Adobe after a summer internship as a product marketing manager .

  10. 他对百事可乐总裁约翰•斯卡利说:“你是想一辈子卖糖水呢还是干改变世界的大事业呢?”就这样说服了斯卡利离开百事可乐,来苹果做CEO。

    He convinced John Sculley to quit PepsiCo and become Apple 's CEO by saying " Do you want to sell sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world ? " 8 .

  11. 结合孟加拉摩哈卡利立交桥工程实例,着重介绍了STU的原理、功能、选型、布置和安装方法。

    This article mainly introduced STU 'S theorem , function , types selection , arrangement and installation through the example of Mohakhali flyover in Bangladesh .

  12. 照片左起分别是苹果董事长史蒂夫乔布斯,总裁兼CEO约翰斯卡利,创始人之一的斯蒂夫沃兹尼亚克,他们正在推出新款苹果IIc型机,1984年4月24日,旧金山

    In this April 24 , 1984 , file photo , from left , Steve Jobs , chairman of Apple Computers , John Sculley , president and CEO , and Steve Wozniak , co-founder of Apple , unveil the new Apple IIc computer in San Francisco

  13. 希腊裔美国人、摄影师兼造型师卡利俄珀·卡尔沃尼斯(CalliopeKarvounis)新开的精品店,主打波西风情服装和饰品。

    Greek-American photographer and stylist Calliope Karvounis just opened a boutique that sells boho-chic clothing and accessories .

  14. 视频上,来自布朗克斯区(Bronx)的黑人少年卡利夫•布劳德(KaliefBrowder)在纽约赖克斯岛(RikersIsland)监狱遭到狱警和其他犯人的毒打。

    It showed a black teenager from the Bronx , Kalief Browder , being savagely beaten by prison officers and fellow inmates at Rikers Island prison in New York .

  15. 在利比亚,现在有50万至100万叙利亚及撒哈拉以南非洲的人等着逃往欧洲,意大利巴勒莫(Palermo)的高级检察官毛里齐奥斯卡利亚(MaurizioScalia)表示。

    In Libya , there are 500,000 to 1m Syrians and sub-Saharans waiting to flee to Europe , senior prosecutor Maurizio Scalia in Palermo said .

  16. 施伦德在与里克·特策利(RickTetzeli)合著的新书《成为乔布斯》(BecomingSteveJobs)中写道,他第一次遇到乔布斯是1986年4月,八个月前苹果公司的这位联合创始人被时任CEO约翰·斯卡利(JohnSculley)赶走了。

    As Schlender writes in " Becoming Steve Jobs , " the forthcoming book he co-authored with Rick Tetzeli , he first met Jobs in April 1986 , eight months after the Apple co-founder had been ousted by John Sculley , then Apple 's chief executive .

  17. 该学院负责学生生活事务的高级副院长梅根?卡利(MeganCarley)称,尽管许多外籍学生曾在美国学习或工作,仍然有90%左右的学生参加了这个项目。

    Though many foreign students have studied or worked in the U.S. , about 90 % still show up for the dedicated programming , says Megan Carley , senior associate dean of student life .

  18. HauteFourrure系列高级女装上市后是否会一炮打响,一切留待时间去检验,但进军曲高和寡的皮草时装业,实属芬迪正常的业务拓展,在老佛爷看来,这一切都是实现公司CEO贝卡利“开拓、开拓、再开拓”的意图内容。

    Only time will tell if Fourrure is a commercial success , but placing the house on this rarefied stage is a neat bit of brand extension , all part of Beccari 's desire " to promote and promote and promote , " according to Lagerfeld .

  19. 这里还树立着一尊希腊雕像,石头上刻着“ZenisùeniseettùstiKalimera”的字样。这句话的意思是“在卡利梅拉这里,你不是陌生人”。

    In one such - Calimera - stands a Greek statue . Inscribed in the stone are the words " Zeni s ù en ise ett ù sti Kalimera , " " meaning , " You are not a stranger here in Calimera . " "

  20. BNAC位于卡利达。赫尔斯布法罗总医院,是雅各神经中心-布法罗大学医学生物学院神经学系的分支机构。

    The BNAC , housed in Kaleida Health 's Buffalo General Hospital , is part of the Jacobs Neurological Institute , the Department of Neurology in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences .

  21. 穆德:那是十年前的事了,史卡利。

    Mulder : that 's over ten years ago , scully .

  22. 车夫大概会知道卡利女神庙在哪里。

    Perhaps the rickshaw runner would know where the temple was .

  23. 我烹饪、钓鱼、用吉他弹卡利普索小调。

    I cooked , fished and played calypso on the guitar .

  24. 对不起,我明天不能和你去卡利斯佩尔

    Sorry , I cant come with you to Kalispell tomorrow .

  25. 在《暴风雨》这出戏里,卡利班一向是个难以寻找适当演员的角色。

    Caliban is always a difficult part to cast in the tempest .

  26. 卡利,你在电脑上输什么?

    Carrie , what are you always typing on there ?

  27. 史卡利:我是否察觉到否定的暗示呢?

    Scully : Do I detect a hint of negativity ?

  28. 卡利纳循环在核电厂二回路系统的应用探讨

    Research on Application of Kalina-Cycle in Second-Loop System of Nuclear Power Plants

  29. 史卡利也想建造一台雷射和热机的混合体。

    Scully is also attempting to construct and test a laser-engine hybrid .

  30. 如你所愿。如果卡利俄珀是你所真正渴求的话,我可以帮你。

    If Calliope is your true desire , I can help you .