
  1. 南海湾国家历史公园

    South Gulf National Historic Park

  2. 南海大鹏湾浮游植物种群的季节演替

    Seasonal Succession of Phytoplankton in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  3. 南海北部湾主要鱼类食物网

    Foods web for main fishes in Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea

  4. 南海北部湾海洋工程地质特征

    Characteristics of marine engineering geology in the Beibu Gulf of the South China Sea

  5. 南海三亚湾及邻近海域海洋蓝藻类群组成、分布及演替特征

    Species and community succession of marine cyanobacteria in Sanya Bay , South China Sea

  6. 具有极强的抑制泥页岩水化膨胀的性能,从而有效地解决了南海北部湾这一区块的垮塌问题。

    Thus , the collapse problems in the north gulf of south china sea could be solved effectively .

  7. 南海北部湾东方1-1气田中心平台腐蚀环境分析

    Analysis of the corrosion environment of the Dongfang 1-1 gas field central platform area in the Beibu Bay of the South China Sea

  8. 本文采用的夜光藻种群密度取自南海大鹏湾1990年4月2日至6月10日每隔2天采样一次所得的数据。

    Sampling from April 2 to June 10 , 1990 , once per two days in Da-pong Bay , South China Sea were carried out . Density of population was calculated by cell number counting .

  9. 本文在给定的设计波参数和海况条件下,对南海北部湾和渤海地区的自升式综合平台(方案)进行了风、浪、流外载计算。

    The wave loading , current forces and wind forces on jack-up platform with / without mat are calculated under the environmental and design wave conditions in the Beibu Bay of the South China Sea and the Bohai Sea .

  10. 根据我国南海、墨西哥湾和西非海域的流速沿深度方向的分布规律,利用涡激振动预报程序计算了立管在不同参数下的动力响应。

    The dynamic responses of a riser under different parameters are calculated by using a vortex induced vibration prediction program according to the current velocity profiles of South China Sea , Gulf of Mexico and West Africa .

  11. 涠洲12-1导管架是一座8腿大型浅水导管架,位于南海西部北部湾,平均水深33.67m。风浪较大。

    The jacket of WZ 12-1 is a large 8 legs , shallow water jacket , installed in Beibu Bay in the western part of South China Sea where the water depth is 33.67 m and wave is high .