
  • 网络Spratly Island
  1. 斯帕拉岛(南威岛)计有居民4人,较1930年且增加1人;

    four lived on Nanwei Dao ( Spratly Island ) , one person more over that of 1930 .

  2. 居住在南沙群岛的中国渔民也在实地进行抵抗,符洪光、柯家裕、郑兰锭等人砍倒法国在太平岛、北子岛、南威岛、中业岛等岛上悬挂法国国旗的旗杆。

    The Chinese fishermen living on Nansha Qundao also took on-site resistance against the French aggression . Chinese fishermen Fu Hongguang , Ke Jiayu , Zheng Landing and others cut down the posts flying French flags on Taiping Dao , Beizi Dao , Nanwei Dao , Zhongye Dao and others .

  3. 该杂志还记载,太平岛、中业岛、南威岛等岛屿上植被茂盛,有水井可饮用,种有椰子树、香蕉树、木瓜树、菠萝、青菜、土豆等,蓄养有家禽,适合人类居住。

    This magazine also records that there are abundant vegetation , wells providing drinking water , coconut palms , banana trees , papaya trees , pineapples , green vegetables and potatoes as well as poultry on Taiping Dao , Zhongye Dao , Nanwei Dao and other islands , and that these islands are habitable .