
  • 网络southern university;University Of The South
  1. 佐治亚大南方大学一名20岁的大三学生告诉BuzzFeed新闻,她一般在课程的访问上代码花费500美元至600美元。

    A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $ 500 - $ 600 on access codes for class .

  2. JOEMARSHALL:“她现在在南方大学,已经读大三。她说,通过来欧米茄,通过收听StreetSoldiers节目,她终于了解到我们帮助她学习的艰难。她说现在已经学会了怎样爱自己。”

    JOE MARSHALL : " She 's at Southern University right now , going into her third year . She talked about what she had learned the hard way and how we helped her learn that by coming to Omega , by listening to ' Street Soldiers , ' and she said she had learned how to love herself . "

  3. 作为南方大学中的佼佼者,该校第一代学生的毕业率仅为16%,尽管其整体毕业率为71%。

    A flagship university in the South , the school graduates just 16 percent of its first-generation students , despite its overall graduation rate of 71 percent .

  4. 我知道,正常情况下,像格兰布林和南方大学、杰克逊州立大学和田纳西州立大学这样的对手,每个的毕业典礼都会有令人惊喜之处。

    And I know that in normal times , rivals like Grambling and Southern , Jackson State and Tennessee State , might raise some eyebrows8 at sharing a graduation ceremony .

  5. 企业管理学院是管理和业务的南方大学学院。

    IAE is the Management and Business School of the Universidad Austral .

  6. 我知道他们还要招待南方大学新奥尔良分校

    And I know they 're hosting the folks at Southern University at New Orleans

  7. 经常一个校园直接给所有校园提供课程,北方学生可以报名参加南方大学所提供选修课程。

    It often involves cross campus subject provision , e.g.a student in the north may enroll in elective subjects that are offered in a southern campus .

  8. 方法:将南方医科大学20名健康成年男性随机分为三组:A组6人,为正常对照组;B组7人,为单纯睡眠剥夺组;

    Methods : Twenty healthy young men from the South Medical University were divided randomly into three groups , normal group ( A ) including six , sleep deprivation group ( B ) and treated group ( C ) including seven each other .

  9. 方法:选择2005-01/2006-05在南方医科大学附属花都医院骨科行关节镜下LARS人工韧带重建的复杂后交叉韧带损伤患者6例,术前均知情同意并签字。

    METHODS : From January 2005 to May 2006 , six patients with PCL injury treated by reconstruction of PCL with LARS artificial ligament transplantation were selected from the Department of Orthopedics , Huadu Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University .

  10. 南方医科大学珠江医院肿瘤中心

    Oncology Center , Zhujiang Hospital , The Southern Medical University

  11. 南方医科大学八年制临床医学专业培养模式的研究

    Study on Medical Education Model of 8-year Program in Southern Medical University

  12. 南方医科大学本科生信息检索课教改的实践

    Practice of Teaching Reform of Undergraduates Information Retrieval Course in Southern Medical University

  13. 南方医科大学南方医院针灸科,广州中医药大学针灸推拿学院。

    College of Acupuncture and Massage , Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  14. 南方海滩大学女生联谊会的公主。

    Sorority Princess of South Beach university .

  15. 方法:于2005-03选择南方医科大学本科大学生40人作为受试者,均右利手,视力正常或矫正视力正常。

    METHODS : Forty healthy college students at March 2005 were selected from Southern Medical University .

  16. 单位:南方医科大学南方医院创伤骨科和解剖学教研室。

    SETTING : Department of Traumatic Orthopedics and Anatomy , Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University .

  17. 标本来源于南方医科大学南方医院心血管内科,明确诊断为慢性心衰的患者。

    The samples were obtained from Nanfang Hospital Cardiology Department definitive diagnosis for patients with chronic heart failure .

  18. 南方医科大学人类研究伦理学委员会对本次研究的伦理性进行了批准。

    Ethical approval to undertake this study was examined from Human Research Ethics Committee , Southern Medical University .

  19. 他们在今年早些时候由于和朱清时就如何管理学校存在观点差异而离开了南方科技大学。他们说摆脱高考和国家授予的文凭并不算是一场教育改革。

    They say that breaking free from national entry tests and nationally awarded diplomas does not constitute an educational revolution .

  20. 现为南方医科大学珠江医院神经医学研究所主治医师。

    Now , he is an attending surgeon at the Institute of Neuromedicine , Zhujiang Hospital , Southern Medical University .

  21. 单位:南方医科大学(原第一军医大学)附属珠江医院神经外科。材料:实验于2003-04/05在南方医科大学热带医学与卫生系实验室完成。

    SETTING : Surgery Department of Neurology in Zhujiang Hospital affiliated to Southern Medical University ( First Military Medical University ) .

  22. 以南方医科大学生物医学工程学院为例,重点讨论了在生物医学工程学院培养医院信息化人才的必要性和可行性。

    At last , it is discussed that it is necessary and feasible to training students for hospital informatics in biomedical engineering institute .

  23. 上个月,当海斯去距家几个州的南方上大学后,我家的孩子们失去了曾经的“领导者”。

    Last month , the children of our family lost their historic leader when Hayes went off to college a few states south .

  24. 《新京报》从可靠渠道获悉,教育部已批准建立南方科技大学。

    A reliable source told the Beijing News that the Ministry of Education has approved establishing South University of Science and Technology of China .

  25. 小说主要分为三个场景:南方黑人大学,北方纽约和地下。

    There are three scenes in the novel : the southern college for African-Americans , the northern city New York , and the underground .

  26. 全价颗粒饲料,含铁量为370mg/kg,购自南方医科大学动物实验中心。

    Full-rate diet pellets ( iron content was 370 mg / kg ) were purchased from the Animal Experimental Center of Southern Medical University .

  27. “在招收学生之前,南方科技大学应该招聘足够高质量的教职员工,建设足够的体系和优秀的图书馆,”他说。

    " Before enrolling students , SUSTC should recruit enough highly qualified faculty members , build enough systems and an excellent library ," he said .

  28. 广东省卫生厅委托南方医科大学和香港理工大学联合承办首批专科护士研究生课程班的教育项目。

    Southern Medical University combined with Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertook first education project of specialized nurse graduate course class which entrusted by National Health Ministry .

  29. 24岁的林伟强(音译)去年从南方科技大学计算机科学专业毕业后,遭遇了考研失利。

    Lin Weiqiang , 24 , was unable to enter graduate school last year after completing his degree in computer science at South China University of Technology .

  30. 探索建设高水平大学的新路径&关于深圳筹建南方科技大学的若干思考

    Exploring a New Path to Construct a High Level University : Some Thoughts about the Preparatory Work to Found the South University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen