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  • U.S. Civil War;the War between the South and North
  1. 导演对南北战争作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。

    The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war .

  2. 南北战争推动了密歇根州的发展。

    The civil war provided an impetus to michigan 's growth .

  3. 货币专家弗迪雷克·巴特(FrederickBart)说道:在南北战争时期,某个低级职员把他们自己的头像印到钞票上。

    Some lowly clerk put his image on currency during the Civil War , says currency expert Frederick Bart .

  4. 没有什么比美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)在打响南北战争第一枪的《圣经》地带(Biblebelt)小镇,强调基督教恩典教义更让人吃惊的时刻了。

    There was no starker moment than President Barack Obama urging the Christian doctrine of grace on the bible belt in the town where the first shot of the civil war was fired .

  5. 最终,在美国南北战争期间,他作为一名投资者发了大财,这其中包括投资价值40000美金的储油丰富的StoryFarm,一年之后这笔投资就让卡内基获得了一百万美金的分红。

    He eventually made a fortune as an investor during the Civil War , including a single $ 40000 investment in the oil-rich Story Farm , which earned him $ 1 million in dividends by the end of the year .

  6. 这并不是SCC乔治亚留下的所有东西,但这是这艘联邦船只的这部分,自南北战争以来第一次露出水面。

    AZUZ : This isn 't all that 's left of the SCC Georgia , but it is the first time this part of the Confederate ship has surfaced since the Civil War .

  7. 双日出版社(Doubleday),26.95美元。本书描述南北战争以来的办公室设计与技术,洞察到工作性质的改变。

    ( Doubleday , $ 26.95 . ) This account of office design and technology since the Civil War offers insights into the changing nature of work .

  8. 美国财政部宣布新版20美元纸币将印上南北战争时期废奴主义者哈丽雅特•塔布曼(HarrietTubman)的头像。20美元是流通量最大的美元之一,这是美国首次将一位非裔美国人作为其主要人物。

    The US will for the first time have an African-American as the star of one of its highest-circulation bank notes after the Treasury announced that Civil War-era abolitionist Harriet Tubman would be featured on a new $ 20 bill .

  9. 有一大串人可能会给我做顾问,而且我非常非常喜欢伊迪丝·沃顿(EdithWharton)和亨利·詹姆斯(HenryJames),还有南北战争之后的历史——范德比尔特家族(Vanderbilts)和惠特尼家族(Whitneys)等等。

    I 've got a list of potential advisers , and I am a big , big fan of Edith Wharton and Henry James and that period of history after the Civil War - the Vanderbilts and the Whitneys and all of those people .

  10. 南北战争结束后搬到新奥尔良。

    After the Civil War , he moved to New Orleans ...

  11. 那个南北战争家伙身上也有金刚石灰。

    There was also diamond dust on the civil war guy .

  12. 我拥有可追溯至南北战争时期的家谱。

    I have the family records back to the civil war .

  13. 他们面临他们国家的那场血腥的南北战争。

    They were confronted with their country 's bloody Civil War .

  14. 终于在美国南北战争之后,法律便禁止奴隶制度的存在。

    Finally , after the Civil War , slavery was outlawed .

  15. 这是美国南北战争中一个具有历史意义的战场。

    It 's a historical battlefield from the American Civil war .

  16. 我祖父在南北战争之后来到纽约。

    My grandfather arrived in New York after the Civil War .

  17. 这座毁坏的桥是南北战争时的遗迹。

    This ruined bridge is a relic of the Civil War .

  18. 我明白了南北战争实际上是民族冲突,

    I learned that the Civil War was a nationalizing conflict ,

  19. 南北战争后,美国一直存在贫困隐患。

    After the civil war , there existed hidden danger of poverty .

  20. 或者是南北战争博物馆的解说员。

    Or I could be a docent at a civil war museum .

  21. 南北战争之后他就是个自由人。

    After the Civil War he was a free man .

  22. 爱国者的血:美国南北战争时期的文学

    Patriotic Gore : Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War

  23. 这本书叙述了南北战争的背景。

    This book gives the background of the Civil War .

  24. 南北战争前废奴运动者企图结束什么?

    What did the abolitionists try to end before the civil war ?

  25. 南北战争的结果怎么样了?

    What was the result of the War of Secession ?

  26. 一艘南北战争时从查尔斯顿开出的双桅船。

    Twin-masted brigantine out of Charleston during the civil war .

  27. 从皮克特冲锋(南北战争)到马斯拉图尔之战。

    from Pickett 's Charge to the Battle of Mars La Tours ...

  28. 他赢得南北战争,使美国保持统一。

    He won the Civil War and kept the United States united .

  29. 美国南北战争中,南军采取攻势。

    In the American Civil War the Confederate state took the offensive .

  30. 这部小说写的是一个有关南北战争前的奴隶们的令人断肠的故事。

    This novels is gut wrenching story about slavery before Civil War .