
  • 网络Nanjing foreign language school;nfls
  1. 为了获得活动资金赞助,我在南京外国语学校进行了演讲,将我们的Proposal介绍给来宾以获得企业的赞助。

    In order to obtain the fund sponsor , I held a speech in the Nanjing Foreign Language School , and introduced our proposal to the audience , in a hope to find an enterprise sponsor .

  2. 第二章是对南京外国语学校初一(8)班和高二(7)班两个班级同学的词汇观念及策略情况运用调查与分析;

    The second part is a survey of the use of the strategies of the students in two classes in Nanjing Foreign Language school and the analysis in it .

  3. 展望未来,前程一片灿烂,南京外国语学校的明天将更加辉煌。

    Looking ahead , Nanjing Foreign Language School is facing a bright and prosperous future . Tomorrow , Nanjing Foreign Language School will surely be even more splendid .

  4. 来自南京外国语学校的李爱云(音译)说:当我分发作业纸时,我希望大家都能专心致志做作业。

    Li Aiyun , from Nanjing Foreign Language School , said : ' When I handed out the homework sheets , I expected everybody to be concentrated on the homework .

  5. 但由于以上的研究对象仅限于南京外国语学校的97名中学生,该研究的结果是否有普遍性还有待于进一步的研究证实。

    Since I have only investigated 97 students in one school , and also a key school , it needs a further study to prove whether the result is universally acknowledged .

  6. 据《人民网》报道,孙氏天才双胞胎在江苏省省会南京市长大,初中高中都在南京外国语学校就读。

    The inseparable sisters spent their junior and senior high school at Nanjing Foreign Language School .