
  • 网络juarez;Juárez;ciudad juarez
  1. 每天有3千万加仑未经处理的人类排泄物从华雷斯城排入格兰德河。

    Everyday , 30 million gallons of untreated human waste flow from Ciudad Juarez into the Rio grande .

  2. 由于其他避难所达到容量上限,边境城市华雷斯城的有关部门被迫将当地体育馆改为临时避难所。

    Authorities in the border city of Ciudad Juarez have been forced to a local gymnasium a temporary shelter due to other shelters reaching maximum capacity .

  3. 枪杀事件就发生在华雷斯市长办公室前面,而距离德克萨斯的ElPaso只有扔一块石头的距离。

    It happened right in front of the Juarez mayor 's office , a stone 's throw away from El Paso , Texas .

  4. Campbell表示,防止犯罪团伙控制华雷斯或墨西哥的其他任何地区符合美国和墨西哥的利益。

    Campbell says it is in the interest of the United States and Mexico to prevent criminal gangs from gaining effective control of Juarez or any other parts of Mexico .

  5. 我找了个律师到华雷斯解决这事了。

    I got a lawyer working it out in juarez .

  6. 为了华雷斯暴力事件的受难者。

    For the victims of violence in juarez .

  7. 华雷斯不可能度过一个安静的周末。

    There 's no such thing as a quiet weekend day here in Ciudad Juarez .

  8. 但在他的六年任期内,华雷斯,提华纳,锡那罗亚街头仍然流淌着血液。

    But during his six-year term , the streets of Juarez , Tijuana , Sinaloa flowed with blood .

  9. 这名狱警是边境城市华雷斯美国领事馆一名官员的丈夫。

    The guard was the husband of an official from the US consulate in the border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  10. 接下来的几个小时,我们将直接看到导致华雷斯拥有世界上最高的谋杀率的原因。

    Over the next few hours we saw firsthand what has led to Juarez having the highest murder rate in the world .

  11. 位于荒凉的高山附近的平原上的这两个城市简直有天壤之别。得克萨斯的埃尔帕索位列美国第二大最安全城市。但是就在边境另外一边的则是世界上最危险的城市——墨西哥的华雷斯。

    But it sits just across the border from one of the most dangerous cities in the world - Juarez , Mexico .

  12. 在过去的这个周末,我们去参加了华雷斯美国领事馆那名美国女子的葬礼。

    This past weekend , we went to the funeral of an American woman who worked at the U.S. consulate in Juarez .

  13. 华雷斯其实并非某个尘土飞扬的沙漠小镇,而是一个面向美国市场的制造业重地。

    Ciudad Juarez is not some dusty , desert outpost it is a major base for manufacturers , aiming at the US market .

  14. 在这次访问之前,美国领事馆三名相关人员在墨西哥边境城市华雷斯被杀害。

    Her visit follows the recent murder of three people connected to the United States'Consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez .

  15. 索里亚先生感叹许多管理人员由于他们老板(或配偶)的担忧而被禁止前往华雷斯访问旅游。

    Mr Soria laments that many executives are still forbidden from visiting Ju á rez by their fearful bosses ( or spouses ) .

  16. 赫尔维拉今年79岁,还有残疾。他有时仍然不得不冒险进入华雷斯,但是,在那里他几乎找不到支持他的人。

    Hervella , who is79 and somewhat disabled , still ventures across the border to Juarez on occasion , but he finds little support there .

  17. 墨西哥警方称,他们上周五逮捕的一名卡特尔头目嫌疑人已经供认下令在北部城市华雷斯谋杀1500人。

    Police in Mexico say a suspected cartel leader they arrested on Friday has confessed to ordering the murder of1,500 people in the northern city of Juarez .

  18. Redelfs和他怀孕的妻子在华雷斯美国领事馆工作,他们身中数枪,死在白色的休旅车内。

    Redelfs and his pregnant wife , Lesley , who worked at the US consulate in Juarez , died in their white sport utility vehicle after being shot times .

  19. 本月,华雷斯城将为一千名律师主办一场盛大的年度聚会,而此次活动将是对这个治安稍有起色的新华雷斯城的招商引资能力的一次考验。

    A pitch this month to host an annual jamboree for1,000 lawyers will be a test of whether the new , slightly safer Ju á rez can attract business .

  20. 他们杀害了这么多的人,甚至负担不起将他们全部好生入葬的费用,而只能将他们埋入这些无名坟墓,比如华雷斯城外的这个地方。

    They 're killing so many people they can 't even afford to bury them all in anything but these unmarked graves like this one outside of Ciudad Juarez .

  21. 雷德尔弗斯的妻子莱斯莉已经怀孕,在华雷斯的美国领事馆工作。他们驾驶的白色的越野车遭多处枪击,夫妻双双死于非命。

    Redelfs and his pregnant wife , Lesley , who worked at the US consulate in Juarez , died in their white sport utility vehicle after being shot multiple times .

  22. 虽然这里的光景依旧惨淡,局势依然严峻,但据贝纳温特先生估计,随着今年华雷斯城的谋杀犯罪率下降三分之一,这个给游客造成错觉的问题将日益凸显。

    With Ju á rez 's murder rate down by a third this year , the problem will be increasingly one of perception , Mr Benavente hopes , though things remain fairly dire .

  23. 一张铁丝栅栏就隔开了德克萨斯州西端的埃尔帕索市和墨西哥北部边境的华雷斯城,然而它却从来没有阻断过边境两岸的商业流通。

    STEEL fence is all that separates El Paso , in west Texas , from Ciudad Ju á rez , in northern Mexico , and it has never stopped business flowing across the border .

  24. 在遣返高峰时期,每天有多达3百人被遣返至华雷斯,这使华雷斯获得一个除了战区之外世界上最危险城市的名声。

    At one point , there were as many as 300 people a day being deported through Juarez , which has gained a reputation as the most dangerous city in the world outside a war zone .

  25. 而在厄尔巴索市中心,人们很容易就能从边境线另一边的墨西哥华雷斯城混过来,然后就消失在厄尔巴索繁忙的街道上了,整个边境线上灯火通明。

    In the centre of town , where it is easiest for people to dash across from Ciudad Ju á rez on the other side and disappear in the busy streets , the entire border is floodlit .

  26. 根据美国移民与海关执法局探员雷提西娅·萨马里帕说,为了让充满暴力的华雷斯城市少一些暴力罪犯,美国已经停止向该城遣返墨西哥国籍的获释囚犯。

    In an effort to reduce the number of violent criminals in Juarez , the United States has stopped deporting released prisoners of Mexican nationality to the embattled city , according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Leticia Zamarripa .

  27. 本月截止到目前,美国官员已经将800名被释放的囚犯送往墨西哥其他边境城市,希望他们不要返回华雷斯,成为该市地下犯罪团伙的一部分。

    So far this month , U.S. officials have sent around 800 released prisoners to other Mexican border cities with the hope that many of them will not work their way back to Juarez and become part of the city 's criminal underground .

  28. 墨西哥的调查人员说,被关押的45岁嫌犯罗萨声称,一对美国夫妇3月13日星期六在华雷斯市政府附近遭伏击,这是一起报复行动,针对的目标是阿瑟·雷德尔弗斯。

    Investigators in Mexico say the detained suspect Ricardo Valles de la Rosa , 45 , claims the ambush of a US couple near the Juarez city hall on Saturday , March 13 , was carried out as an act of retribution against Arthur Redelfs ,