
  1. 明清两代,迎来了华夷秩序的巅峰期。

    The Ming and Qing Dynasties have reached the peak of the order of the Chinese and the Aliens .

  2. 清政府以华夷秩序的封闭与斥异性为主导的外交思想造就其在对朝问题的处理上固守着传统思维,运用着僵化、保守的以夷制夷外交政策。

    In Qing Dynasty , the government 's conservative foreign policy results in a traditional and inflexible policy to Korea .

  3. 古老的中华帝国被新兴的小国日本所击败,打破了东北亚传统的华夷秩序;

    The ancient Emperor China was defeated by the newly developed Japan , which broke the traditional Northeastern Asian Sino-foreign country system ;