
  • 网络washington conference;Conference of Washington;Washington Naval Conference
  1. 1921~1922年的华盛顿会议搁置了关款问题的讨论。

    The 1921-22 Washington Conference shelved the issue of customs revenue .

  2. 在华盛顿会议上,列强达成了裁军协议。

    In Washington Conference , the main Powers achieved disarmament .

  3. 参加了华盛顿会议的中国科学院(CAS),需发挥重要作用。

    The Chinese Academy of Sciences , a participant in the Washington meeting , has an important role to play .

  4. 华盛顿会议上英国对待山东问题的态度

    British Attitude Towards the Shantung Question in the Washington Conference

  5. 为此,美国倡议召开了华盛顿会议。

    So America had sponsored and called the Washington Conference .

  6. 留美学生罗家伦与华盛顿会议

    Returned Students Luo Jia-lun in USA and Washington Conference

  7. 华盛顿会议上关于法国海军主力舰吨位问题的讨论

    Discussion on the Tonnage Limit of French Naval Battleships at the Washington Conference

  8. 华盛顿会议中的山东问题

    The Matter of Shandong in the Washington Conference

  9. 在华盛顿会议中心的这一展览充满了无人驾驶飞机和直升机,

    The exhibit at Washington 's Convention Center was full of unmanned airplanes and helicopters ,

  10. 华盛顿会议与门户开放&兼论华盛顿会议前后中国对门户开放政策的反应

    The Washington Conference and the open door

  11. 华盛顿会议期间的国民外交(1921.6~1922.2)

    Studies on the Civil Diplomacy during the Period of Washington Conference ( 1921.6 ~ 1922.2 );

  12. 上海总商会在华盛顿会议前后收复国权的主张和活动

    Propositions and Activities about Recovering Sovereign Rights of Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce during the Washington Conference

  13. 华盛顿会议期间中国民众对山东问题直接交涉的抗争

    Studies on the Chinese People 's Direct Protest to the Negotiation about the Shandong Problem during the Washington Conference Period

  14. 在华盛顿会议上,我们还将在各国监管机构增强合作的基础上,推动加强国际监管。

    We will also take forward in Washington our work to strengthen international supervision , based on improved co-operation between national supervisors .

  15. 华盛顿会议,因关系中国甚巨,备受中央、地方、国民的关注。

    Because of the importance of Washington Conference , the national , the central and local authorities paid more attention to it .

  16. 世卫组织最近在20国集团华盛顿会议召开前夕就金融危机问题发表了一项公开声明。

    WHO last issued a public statement on the financial crisis in the days prior to the Washington meeting of the G20 .

  17. 许多分析人士认为,出席华盛顿会议的那些国家出台的刺激计划将能帮助在英国等国扩大内需。

    Many analysts feel that stimulus plans among those countries attending the Washington gathering will help to boost domestic consumption in places like Britain .

  18. 全国国民外交大会是华盛顿会议前夕在上海成立的一个全国性的民间外交团体。

    The National Conference of People-to-People Diplomacy founded in Shanghai at the eve of the Washington Conference was a nation-wide and non-governmental organization on diplomacy .

  19. 面对美国的崛起,在华盛顿会议上,英国不得不承认美国能同自己拥有同样吨位的主力舰。

    In the face of America rise , in the Washington Conference , Britain had to recognize the battleship USA with their have the same tonnage .

  20. 而对于美国提出的华盛顿会议,也打算以日美协调为指导方针进行有关中国问题的处理。

    With regard to the issues about China that is proposed by the United States at Washington Conference , Japan intends to shape its policy by so-called Japan-US Coordination guidelines .

  21. 在15个受邀于9月27日至28日参加华盛顿会议的国家中,有几个是亚太经合组织成员国。布什承诺将在减排问题上帮助达成国际共识。

    Several Apec members are among the 15 countries invited to the Washington event on September 27-28 , with Mr Bush promising to help build international consensus on emissions cuts .

  22. 上周五,汇率市场出现了戏剧性的变动,萨科齐在上周六表示,各国政府还应在华盛顿会议或之后的峰会中讨论外汇市场。

    Speaking a day after Friday 's dramatic exchange rate movements , Mr Sarkozy said that government would also have to discuss currency markets , either at the Washington meeting or later summits .

  23. 1921年华盛顿会议召开期间,以罗家伦、蒋廷黻等为首的一群中国留美学生为了维护祖国的权益,自动组织起来开展了一系列的外交斗争。

    During the Washington Conference in 1921 , a group of returned students headed by Luo Jia-lun organize themselves to carry out a series of diplomatic struggles in order to safeguard their motherland 's rights .

  24. 华盛顿会议上,中日边缘性会谈山东问题,其中胶济铁路的交涉为重中之重。

    At the Washington conference , the matters of Shandong were talked between China and Japan with the method of " Marginal Negotiation ", among them the negotiation on Jiao-Ji Railway was the most important topic .

  25. 第二部分回顾华盛顿会议后到1937年以前,英国对日本在中国进行的一系列扩张活动的反应。这一时期,英国对日本在华侵略活动本身反应并不积极,多以默许为主。

    Section Two looks back British reaction to Japanese aggressions in China up to 1937 . The thesis argues that Britain was inactive towards Japan 's military expansion , while also taking steps to safeguard its interest in China .

  26. 哈定总统利用国际条约从政治、军事、经济全方位遏制日本,通过华盛顿会议签署《九国公约》,使门户开放原则为列强承认和接受。门户开放政策的实施达到巅峰。

    Using international treaties , the president Harding contained Japan from the political , military , economic ail-roundly , which made the Open Door principle was recognized and accepted by The big powers , The Open Door policy reached the peak .

  27. 他曾参与了外蒙谈判、禁烟谈判、巴黎和会、退还庚款、华盛顿会议、中苏建交谈判等等一系列重大外交事件。

    He took part in a series of important diplomatic affairs , such as the Negotiation on Outer Mongolia Issue , Negotiation on Prohibition of Opium-smoking , Paris Peace Conference , Return of the Boxer Indemnity , Washington Conference , Negotiation on Establishing Diplomatic Relations with Soviet Union .

  28. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的理事们发布了一张他们在华盛顿召开会议期间的集体照。

    Governors of the International Monetary Fund posed for a group photo during their meeting in Washington .

  29. 布朗认为,imf今年4月在华盛顿召开会议前,就会赞同设立一项全球银行税。

    Mr Brown believes the IMF will endorse a global bank levy before its April meeting in Washington .

  30. 在世界银行(worldbank)和国际货币基金组织(imf)华盛顿春季会议的最后一天,全球领袖呼吁世界各国努力解决发展中国家眼下的食品危机,并应对确保食品供应充足的更长期挑战。

    The call for a global effort to deal with both the immediate food crisis in the developing world and the longer term challenge of ensuring adequate food supplies came on the final day of the world bank and International Monetary Fund spring meetings in Washington DC .