
shā wén zhǔ yì
  • chauvinism;jingoism
沙文主义 [shā wén zhǔ yì]
  • [chauvinism] 把本民族利益看得高于一切,并主张征服和奴役其他民族的一种反动民族主义。因法国士兵沙文狂热拥护拿破仑用暴力向外扩张势力,所以把这种思想叫做沙文主义

沙文主义[shā wén zhǔ yì]
  1. 它可能也迎合了许多普通人心中的沙文主义情结。

    It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people .

  2. 强调继承美国文学中的美国特色,有产生文化上的沙文主义的危险。

    In stressing the American qualities inherent in American literature there is a danger of cultural chauvinism .

  3. 报刊继续大力鼓吹沙文主义。

    The press continued its jingoistic display .

  4. 这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。

    It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity .

  5. 部族不得不改变它的沙文主义姿态。

    The tribe has been forced to modify its chauvinistic attitudes .

  6. 爱国主义可以很快转变为沙文主义。

    Patriotism can turn into jingoism very quickly .

  7. 因此,“男性沙文主义”被用来指认为男人优于女人或者男人应该比女人更有权力的一种态度。

    Thus , " male chauvinism " was used to refer to an attitude of male superiority or male entitlement to power over women .

  8. “男性沙文主义猪”是20世纪60年代一些女权主义者使用的一个术语,用来指一些手握大权的男人(如雇主或教授),他们认为男人优于女人,并在言语和行动中丝毫不掩饰这种观点。

    A male chauvinist1 pig ( MCP ) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists2 for some men , usually men with some power ( such as an employer or professor ) , who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action .

  9. 但当她进入伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege)学习计算机科学时,她遭遇了她所称的潜在沙文主义,因为这个专业的120名学生中,只有7名女性。

    But when she went to study computer science at Imperial College , London , she encountered what she describes as latent chauvinism on a course where only seven of 120 students were women .

  10. 那是个充斥着野蛮和沙文主义的年代。

    Judy : That was a time of savageness and chauvinism .

  11. 我认为现在的中国并不是一个极端男性沙文主义社会。

    Now I don 't believe China is an extremely male-chauvinistic society .

  12. 当代的资本家继续卖力地培养白种沙文主义。

    The capitalists of our times continued vigorously to cultivate white chauvinism .

  13. 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义。

    Militant devotion to and glorification of one 's country ; fanatical patriotism .

  14. 沙文主义尤以好战的对外政策为特征的极端国家主义;沙文主义的爱国主义。

    Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy ; chauvinistic patriotism .

  15. 人群热烈地唱着沙文主义的爱国歌曲。

    The crowd was enthusiastically singing chauvinistic patriotic songs .

  16. 这些人似乎混淆了礼貌和沙文主义的内涵。

    They seem to be confusing manners with chauvinism .

  17. 威廉森被认为是“最权威性”的“奥克式”男子沙文主义的塑造者。

    Williamson is identified as the most authoritative image-builder of " ocker " chauvinism .

  18. 沙文主义者的或与其有关的。

    Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot .

  19. 最恶劣的男性沙文主义猪。

    Male chauvinist pig of the worst kind .

  20. 沙文主义:也许我们男人是大粪,可离了我们,你们女人还活不了

    Chauvinism : We may be shit , but you can 't live without us

  21. 贝娄对他者马德琳的态度,客观上反映了作家的自我中心意识与男性沙文主义思想。

    Bellow 's attitude to Madeleine suggests the writer 's own egotism and male Chauvinism .

  22. 我们应当坚决、彻底、干净、全部地消灭大国沙文主义。

    We should get rid of great-power chauvinism resolutely , thoroughly , wholly and completely .

  23. 所以你是一个运动--(沃:沙文主义者。)--沙文主义者。

    So you 're a movement -- ( DW : Chauvinist . ) -- chauvinist .

  24. 他们表现了与日俱增的国家沙文主义。

    They showed increased national chauvinism .

  25. 看二战初期苏联的大国沙文主义和民族利己主义表现及其影响&以东方战线为例

    Behavior Effect of the Great Chauvinism and Self-Nationalism of Soviet Union early World War II the Eastern Battle Line

  26. 现行民族法律政策在实践中受到文化沙文主义的影响,应当在部门法中将宪法规定的民族平等原则具体化为明确的法律制度。

    Current policy of national law should be adjusted to avoid the influence of chauvinism of culture in practice .

  27. 可能是我们这一物种独有的依恋学习的沙文主义印记使然。

    This may have to do with our chauvinistic attachment to learning as an exclusive mark of our species .

  28. 建立共同欧洲身份的期望已经让路给更强烈的国家自信甚至可以说是沙文主义。

    The hope of forging a common European identity has given way to greater national assertiveness , even chauvinism .

  29. 那些反对沙文主义反应的人必须提出有想象力、有抱负、旨在重建这一平衡的想法。

    Those who reject the chauvinist response must come forward with imaginative and ambitious ideas aimed at re-establishing that balance .

  30. 我们惊异地发现,阶级压迫,性别歧视,沙文主义和历史的曲解,无一不通过日常对话而得到折射。

    Aghast , we discover how class oppression , sexism , chauvinism and the distortion of history echo through everyday conversation .