
  • 网络Huayan Temple;huayan monastery
  1. 大同下华严寺辽代塑像

    Liao Dynasty Sculptures of the Lower Huayan Temple at Datong

  2. 我国福建省泉州开元寺和山西省大同华严寺,即供奉以上五尊主尊佛。

    The Kaiyuan Temple of Quanzhou , Fujiang and the Huayan Temple of Datong , Shanxi enshrine the five Buddhas .

  3. 上华严寺壁画体现了佛教在传播过程中在某一宗派影响下对壁画内容与配置关系的选择。

    Murals of Huayan Temple fully reflect the choice of context and configuration of murals with the influence of certain school through the spread of Buddhism .

  4. 后来他遇到了上人,被上人的德行所感,他将他的居士林捐给了法总,甚至在他年纪很大的时候,他依然每天都会去华严寺帮助建设。

    Deeply moved by VM 's virtuous practice , he donated all his community to DRBA and even in his old age he still helped a lot to construct the Avatamsaka Monastery in Calgary , Canada .

  5. 其中在部分寺观中保留有绘制精美的壁画,为研究我国古代壁画艺术提供了宝贵图像资料。位于山西大同市内的上华严寺,在大雄宝殿内存留有四壁完好的壁画。

    Exquisite frescoes are painted in some of these temples , which are precious data for our national mural painting study The Mahavira Hall ( Daxiong Baodian ) of Huayan Temple in Datong city remains complete figures of mural painting on its walls .