- ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc;ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.

[ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.] 也称华表柱。古代设在宫殿、陵墓等大建筑物前面做装饰用的大石柱,柱身多雕刻龙凤等图案,上部横插着雕花的石板
It 's what we usually call Hua Biao .
Symphony under Huabiao & comment on the sound effect of three music halls in Beijing
They are called Huabiao in chinese .
We will go to Beijing Concert Hall and enjoy modern orchestra . Symphony under Huabiao & comment on the sound effect of three music halls in Beijing
And in August , high in air , the beautiful and bountiful horse-chestnuts , candelabra-wise , proffer the passer-by their tapering upright cones of congregated blossoms .
As the three major awards of Chinese Film Award , the Huabiao Award , the Golden Rooster Award and the Flowers Film Award have some valuable properties different from other awards according to their different status .
In the distance from the entrance , one could observe two pairs of ornamental columns ( huabiao ) in front of the Memorial Archways ( paifang ), which was crowned with light yellow glazed tiles and eaves .