
  • 网络semimembranosus
  1. 结果家兔半膜肌为长肌。

    Results Semimembranosus was a long muscle in rabbit .

  2. 结果:半膜肌肌腱在主要附着点的远侧有8个附着点。

    Results : The semimembranosus tendon had eight attachments distal to the main common tendon .

  3. 半膜肌的血液供应与肌内微血管构筑

    Blood supply and intramuscular microvascular architecture of the Semimembranous muscle

  4. 橡塑复合半膜成型工艺

    Shaping Technology of Rubber - plastic Compound Semisphere Diaphragm

  5. 双侧半膜肌劳损性肌病1例

    Q & A on Sex Bilateral semimembranous muscle straining myopathy : case report

  6. 半膜肌微循环血管三维构筑的扫描电镜观察

    Observation with Scanning Electron Microscopy on Three Dimensional Architecture of Microcirculatory Vessel of Semimembranous Muscle

  7. 与膝关节腔相通的滑膜囊包括髌上囊、腓肠肌内外侧头腱下囊、半膜肌囊、胭肌囊。

    Synovial bursa communicant with the knee joint cavity are suprapatellar bursa , bursa of semimembranosus , and Popliteus capsule . 2 .

  8. 其次采用盐析法分别提取半膜肌和股二头肌的肌浆蛋白和肌原纤维蛋白,进行SDS-凝胶电泳实验对肌浆蛋白和肌原纤维蛋白的降解趋势进行了研究。

    Secondly the experiment studied the changes of the sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar protein of Semimembranosus and Biceps muscles during the processing of Jin-hua Ham .

  9. 在宣威火腿干燥成熟过程中,火腿肌肉中形成的挥发性化合物的种类逐渐增多,12个月终产品的半膜肌和股二头肌中的挥发性化合物分别为98种和67种。

    With the ripening process of Xuanwei ham , the volatile compounds identified from M. semimembranosus and M. Bicepts femoris of the ripened hams at 12 months are 98 and 67 respectively .

  10. 通过重复性的工艺试验和系统分析,确定了一套完整的橡塑复合半膜生产成型工艺,提高橡塑半膜之间的粘接强度,消除夹层中的气泡,保证橡塑复合半膜满足要求。

    Through repeated tests and systematical analysis , a set of production and shaping technologies have been determined . Thus the cohesion strength is increased and the bulbs between rubber and plastics are eliminated .

  11. 试验表明,全膜双垄沟播技术在甘肃省不同的生态区域,种植玉米比相同条件下的半膜平覆增产都在35%以上,种植马铃薯比露地栽培增产30%以上。

    Results show that maize yield by the all-filming double-furrow sowing is 35 % more than by half-filming sowing in the same condition in different ecological regions in Gansu province , and potato-planting more than 30 % yet .

  12. 从薄膜理论出发,设计了非规整单层SiO2膜和双层GZrO2SiO2A输出半反射膜;

    According to the theory of thin-film optics , we designed half-reflectivity outputting film made by single-layer irregular SiO_2 and by bi-layer GZrO_2SiO_2A .

  13. 并结合理论分析和分光光度计等测试手段,经过分析比较,最后确定采用双层GZrO2SiO2A作为输出半反射膜。

    Combining the theory and analyzing with spectrophotometer , bi-layer quarter GZrO_2SiO_2A is chosen as half reflectivity outputting film system at last .

  14. Micromegas物理模拟与实验研究该功能模拟混合物流过半渗透膜后的分离情况。

    The Simulation and Experiment Research of Micromegas This simulates the fractionation of components across a semi-permeable membrane .

  15. 利用半渗透膜装置(SPMD)对珠江三角洲地区大气有机氯农药(OCPs)进行了分季度为期1年的监测分析。

    Semipermeable membrane devices ( SPMD ) were deployed in the Pearl River Delta ( PRD ), South China , to monitor the seasonal variations of organochlorine pesticides ( OCPs ) in the air for a year .

  16. 半渗透膜采样技术(SPMD)模拟了生物富集水中疏水性有机污染物的过程,并且可以用来监测生物有效态污染物的长期平均浓度.活度与半透膜对页岩水化的影响

    Semipermeable membrane device ( SPMD ) was recently accepted to estimate the time-integrated concentrations of bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds ( HOCs ) in a similar manner as lipophilic bioconcentration . The Effect of Water Activity and Semipermeable Membrane on Shale Hydration

  17. 利用Triolein半渗透膜采样技术(TrioleinSPMD)采集了淮河信阳、淮南断面水样,测定了采样器中多氯联苯、多环芳烃、取代苯等有毒有机污染物浓度。

    Triolein Semipermeable membrane device ( Triolein SPMD ) was used to monitor toxic and organic pollutants such as PCBs , PAHs , and Substituted Benzenes in the Huaihe River , at the sites of Xinyang and Huainan city , where organic pollution is very severe .

  18. 该功能模拟混合物流过半渗透膜后的分离情况。

    This simulates the fractionation of components across a semi-permeable membrane .

  19. 利用Triolein-半渗透膜采样技术测定淮河水中的有毒有机污染物

    Monitoring toxic and organic pollutants in the Huaihe River using Triolein SPMD

  20. 根据纤维素溶解情况的不同,分别可得到白色不透明的纤维素半溶膜和无色透明的纤维素全溶膜。

    According to the dissolution condition of cellulose , white nontransparent half-soluble cellulose films and transparent completely-soluble cellulose film were obtained .

  21. 模型假设凝胶是以凝胶组分及凝胶吸收的溶液为核心,以弹性半渗透膜为壳的复合体。

    In the model , gel is considered as a combination of a shell of an elastic semipermeable membrane and a core of a fluid phase .

  22. 半渗透膜的分离体系是基于迫使某些分子通过半透膜而使其它的分子保留在进料一侧。

    Separations in semipermeable membrane systems is based on forcing some of the molecules in the system through the membrane while retaining others on the feed side .

  23. 叙述了一个利用石英晶体膜厚控制系统在光纤端面镀制半反射膜的工艺探索过程,包括膜系设计、工艺参数的修正。

    In this paper , a process practice of partial reflective coating on the ends of the optical fibres with quarts crystal controlling system is proposed , including film stack design and technology parameters revise .

  24. 提出了薄膜的设计要求:吸收、散射损耗小,激光损伤阈值高,以及高反射膜和输出半反射膜的反射率要求。

    The request of the design of the film is put forward that : the low absorption and scatting loss , the high laser damage threshold , and the request for the reflectivity of the high-reflectivity film system and half-reflectivity outputting film .

  25. 半连续Ag膜的分形结构与光学性质

    Fractal Structure and Optical Properties of Semicontinuous Silver Films

  26. 半连续Ag膜的多重分形研究

    Study on multifractal spectrum of semicontinuous Ag films

  27. SiO2纳米颗粒对电化学沉积半金属Bi膜的影响

    Fabrication of Semimetal Bi Films with Embedded SiO_2 Nanoparticles by Electrodeposition

  28. 快速半定量绒毛膜促性腺激素测定在宫外孕诊治中的应用

    Application of fast semiquantitative HCC test in ectopic pregnancy clinic

  29. 半硬冷光膜的研制

    The Development of Half-Hard Cold Mirror Film

  30. 红外光吸收研究35MeV/uAr离子辐照半晶质聚酯膜引起的效应

    Infrared Absorption Study of Effects in Semicrystalline Polyethylene Terephthalate Films Induced by 35MeV / u Ar Ions