
  1. 斯特拉塔前十大股东之一标准人寿(standardlife)支持新的条款。

    Standard life , a top 10 Xstrata shareholder , backs the new terms .

  2. 该基金经理是力拓十大股东中几位反对中铝交易的人士之一。

    The fund manager is one of several top 10 shareholders opposed to the Chinalco deal .

  3. 上市公司的第二到第十大股东持股比例之和(股权制衡度)与审计意见购买动机负相关。

    The sum stockholding rate from the second largest holder of listed company to the tenth largest was negatively correlated with motivation of opinion shopping .

  4. 巴克莱前十大股东之一表示:我们已同巴克莱以及其他银行讨论过圈护或把投行与商业银行分开的问题。

    One top-10 investor in the bank said : We have had discussions with Barclays and other banks over ring-fencing or splitting up investment banking and retail .

  5. 但由于本文的实证研究对象仅限于上市公司前十大股东之间直接交叉持股,很可能影响到本文的实证结果。

    Since the practical research objectives of this paper are only limited to the direct cross-shareholdings among the top ten shareholders from the listed companies , so it may affect the empirical results .

  6. 多数此类投资是隐秘的为数不多的一个公开例证是,负责住房维修的某上海机构出现在3家上市公司前十大股东的名单上。

    Most of these investments are hidden one of the few public examples is the Shanghai agency responsible for housing maintenance , which appears on the list of 10 largest shareholders for three listed companies .

  7. 股权集中度方面,第一大股东持股比例与中小银行经营绩效无显著关系,前十大股东持股比例与中小银行安全性显著正相关。

    In equity concentration aspect , the first majority shareholding ratios not significantly related with operating performance , and the top ten majority shareholding ratio is significantly positive related with security of small and medium-sized banks .

  8. 通过研究表明:资产负债率对银行绩效的相关性较低,创新性资产占负债总额比重与银行绩效呈显著负相关性,前十大股东持股比例和与银行绩效是显著的负相关。

    Through research showed that : asset-liability ratio on bank performance less relevant , innovative proportion of total liabilities and assets bank performance was significantly negatively correlated proportions and top ten shareholders and bank performance is significant negative correlation .

  9. 以我国前十大股东中包含外资股东的制造业上市公司为样本,通过将公司治理结构的几个方面具体化为10个自变量对公司经营绩效指标的进行多元线性回归。

    As a sample on our top ten shareholders of the foreign shareholders listed companies in the manufacturing sector , by the operating performance indicators will be 10 independent variables which several aspects of corporate governance characteristics into multiple linear regression analysis .

  10. 此外,公司绩效与股权激励股本比例正相关,与股票价格波动正相关,与前十大股东持股比例负相关。

    But the price-earnings ratio and inventory turnover rate did not show a significant improvement . In addition , corporate performance and is related positively correlated with equity incentive equity ratio and stock price volatility , negatively correlated with the Top Ten Shareholders proportion .

  11. 我国上市公司由大股东控制是普遍的事实,截止到2010年底,第一大股东占上市公司50%股权以上的占22%,前十大股东占上市公司50%以上的占61%。

    Major shareholders controlled the listed company are universal facts , as the end of 2010 , the first major shareholders of listed companies accounted for more than 50 % equity 22 % , but in the last ten years it accounted for 61 % .

  12. 第二至十大股东持股比、董事会会议次数、董事会规模、独立董事比例对审计质量有正向影响,而股东大会会议次数对审计质量有消极影向。

    The second to the top ten shareholding ratio , the number of board meetings , board size , the proportion of independent directors have a positive impact on audit quality , while the number of meetings of the shareholders have a negative affect to the quality of audits .

  13. 在英国十大机构股东中的另一家,一名高管呼吁力拓资产竞购者在未来数月主动站出来,以便让力拓拥有其它明显的选择。

    In the UK , another executive at a top 10 institutional shareholder called on bidders for Rio assets to come forward in the next few months , so that there are visible alternatives .

  14. 房地产行业中,第二至十位大股东相对于第一大股东的势力越强,股权的制衡程度越高,而代理成本并非越低而是越高。

    Real estate industry , the second largest shareholder position relative to the ten largest shareholders , super power , the higher the degree of checks and balances equity , and agency costs are not lower but higher .