
  1. 本章论述了官府手工业的整体情况,包括官府手工业的三种类型、官府手工业的管理以及官府局院劳动者&系官匠户身份地位三节内容。

    It analyses the whole situations of the governmental handicraft , the management to governmental handicraft and the status of the labors in the governmental handicraft .

  2. 在手工业方面实行匠户制度,但是它使工匠们无生产积极性,因而生产效率不高,限制了手工业的发展。

    An artisan household system was adopted in the handicraft but it made the craftsmen have no production enthusiam , which led to a low . Therefore the proficiency was low and restrained the development of the handicraft .

  3. 在起义中,大量驱口(比当时佃农的社会地位还要低)、奴隶、匠户争得了自由,为明初的生产发展创造了条件。

    In the rising , many Qukou ( they had lower social status than the tenants ) , slaves and craftsmen got their freedom and created conditions for the production development in the early years of the Ming Dynasty .
