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  • 网络Zheng Yu;Ok Jeong
  1. 郑玉朴实严谨的学风历来为后人称道,并且也影响了很多人。

    The simple and rigorous style of study has always been for the later generations , and also affected a lot of people .

  2. 郑玉认为教育的目的与作用就是培养心中唯存“天理”,无私无欲的圣人;

    Zheng Yu held the purpose and function of education were to train the sage who only stored " justice " in the heart and was unselfish .

  3. “和会朱陆”、耕读相兼、读书与游历相结合的原则是郑玉教育思想中最具特色的部分;

    The most characteristic part of his educational thoughts was the principles of combining the thoughts of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan ( the famous Neo-Confucianist in the Song Dynasty ), of concurrence between study and work , and of combining reading to traveling .