
  • 网络high arctic climate;subaractic climate
  1. 北极气候变化的直接后果是多样的。

    The direct consequences of changes in the Arctic are mixed .

  2. 北极气候多变,然而南极的气候很少有所变化。

    The Arctic has a varied climate , while the Antarctic climate varies little ;

  3. 北极气候变化图片。北冰洋的海冰进入一个“死亡螺旋”由于气温上升,科学家说到2008年。

    The Arctic Ocean 's sea ice is in a " death spiral " due to rising temperatures , scientists said in2008 .

  4. 该组织称,埃尔斯米尔岛古老的巨大冰面有接近四分之一的面积消失,反映了北极气候变化速度之快。

    It said nearly one-quarter of the massive ancient ice shelves on Ellesmere Island disappeared , underscoring the rapidity of changes taking place in the Arctic .

  5. 他表示,新的评估刷新了联合国气候变化委员会2007年基于过去五年的数据撰写的关于北极气候环境的报告。

    He says the new assessment s the U.N. 's Climate Change Panel 's 2007 report with data on Arctic conditions over the past five years .

  6. n.气候五十年或五十多年以来,北极的气候逐渐暖起来。

    climate For fifty years or more the climate of the Arctic has been warming up gradually .

  7. 北极海冰气候变率的模拟研究

    A Simulation on Sea Ice Climate Variability in Arctic Ocean

  8. 天气预报员说明天又要迎来北极圈气候的更大的一场雪。

    Forecasters say an arctic front will bring even more startling snow tomorrow .

  9. 北极地区气候很冷。

    It is very cold at the North pole .

  10. 研究其分布和变化有助于了解北极的气候和环境及其对全球气候系统的影响,有助于气候和环境变化的数值预报。

    Studying the ozone distribution and variation is helpful for understanding the Arctic climate and environment and their impact on the global system , and for numerically forecasting climate and environment change .

  11. 北极对气候变化极为敏感,因其在全球气候中扮演着关键角色,北极之变化将会对全球领域有回馈作用。

    The Arctic is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change . And , because of the key role the Arctic plays in global climate , changes in the Arctic will reverberate around the globe .

  12. 本文试图指出,北极地区气候变化和人类活动的增加,已对现有国际法律机制提出挑战,以及探讨国际法如何在该地区适用的问题。

    This paper seeks to point out that the effects of climate change and increasing human activity in the Arctic region has posed challenges to the existing international legal system , and discusses how international law can be applied in this region .

  13. 但在一些水域,如北极水域,气候变暖将使浮游植物成熟得更快,让这些区域变得更绿。

    But in some waters , such as those of the Arctic , a warming will make conditions riper for phytoplankton , and these areas will turn greener .

  14. 北极Svalbard地区气候变化特征及其与青藏高原对比

    Characteristics of climatic change in Svalbard in the Arctic and comparison with the Qinghai Xizang Plateau

  15. 北极海冰的气候变化与20世纪90年代的突变

    The Decrease of the Arctic Sea Ice and the Abrupt Changes of Sea Ice in 1990s

  16. 其高保温特质缘自凫鸟对北极圈严寒气候的适应能力。

    Its high thermal insulation is a result from eiders adaptation to the bitterly cold ocean around the Polar Circle .

  17. 不止是人类受到影响,野生动物也同样收到影响。这里有个短片,讲的是北极熊在气候变暖下的生存窘境。

    And it 's not just us that 's affected-wildlife is affected too . Here 's a short video showing the plight of just one species affected by global warming-the polar bear .

  18. 为了验证这一想法,戴利用计算机技术,模拟了在没有人类排放温室气体的情况下,北极地区的气候自1979年以来是如何发生变化的。

    To test the ideas , Day carried out several computer-based simulations of how the climate around the Arctic might have fluctuated since 1979 without the input of greenhouse gases from human activity .

  19. 与此对应,中央北极区及气候冰岛低压中心海平面气压在降低,而再往南区域海平面气压在升高。

    Meanwhile , the sea level pressure in the center part of the northern polar region and the region where the climatic Icelandic low exist decreases , but in places farther southward it increases .

  20. 北极海冰减少的气候效应研究

    The climate effect due to the decrease of Arctic sea ice

  21. 北极海冰与全球气候变化

    The Arctic Sea Ice and Climate Change

  22. 然而,在地处温暖地区的动物权益和绿色组织看来,北极熊既是抵御气候变化的象征,也是面临灭绝危险的动物。

    Yet to animal-welfare and green groups in warmer places the polar bears are both an icon in the fight against climate change and an animal under threat of extinction .

  23. 北极海冰作为全球气候变化的重要影响因子,最近30年发生了显著的变化,主要体现在海冰覆盖面积的快速减退和海冰厚度的持续减薄。

    Over the past 30 years , sea ice cover , as a significant driving factor in the global climate change , has been decreasing dramatically with the extent declining and thickness thinning .

  24. 北极地区臭氧对北极气候和环境系统起着重要作用。

    Arctic ozone is important to the Arctic climate and environment system .

  25. 阿拉斯加北极地区位于布鲁克斯山以北,白令海峡以东的北坡地区,属北极海洋性气候区。

    The Alaska Arctic is located at north of the Brooks Range and from the Bering Sea to the Canadian border , with an arctic marine climate .

  26. 北极航线是连接太平洋北部与大西洋北部的最短航线,但因地处北极,气候寒冷,一直无法全线通航。

    The Arctic route is the shortest route connected the Northern Atlantic Ocean with Northern Pacific . However , because of the location and cold climate , the Arctic route has always been unable to navigate .