
  • Arctic Basin;【地名】【北冰洋】North Polar Basin
  1. 西洋水文图在持续不断地被修订,核潜艇现在正在冰卞进行北极海盆的测绘。

    The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being revised continuously , and nuclear submarines are now charting the Arctic basin under the ice .

  2. 俄国北极的巴伦支海盆地区南部和北部三叠纪与侏罗纪石油体系还未开发,盆地区处于巴伦支海东部,一个主要特征是有石油和天然气混合体系。

    One major gas prone petroleum system characterises the sparsely explored South and North Barents Basin Provinces of the Russian Arctic in the eastern Barents Sea .