
  • 网络Beijing Marathon
  1. 小杨在北京马拉松竞赛中得了第一名。

    Xiao Yang won the first prize in beijing marathon Race .

  2. 您的申请审核已通过,欢迎您正式加入2011年北京马拉松阿迪达斯酷跑团!

    Congratulations ! You have successfully registered for2011 adidas Beijing Marathon " ALL RUN " Team .

  3. 北京马拉松赛事运作战略应选择开拓型战略,且属于机会型。

    Beijing Marathon of the operational strategy should be selected pioneering strategy , and are opportunistic .

  4. 当时,北京马拉松赛的组织者表示,参赛者没有理由这样随地小便。

    At the time , Beijing marathon organizers said that runners had no reason to urinate so freely .

  5. 读者们,您认为北京马拉松参赛者在公共场合便溺将被取消资格的规定是否合理?

    Readers , do you think it 's fair for Beijing Marathon runners to be disqualified for public urination ?

  6. 本人自愿报名参加2011北京马拉松赛及一切相关活动(以下统称“比赛”);

    I myself voluntarily register for the2011 Beijing Marathon and all activities in accordance with this event ( hereafter referred to as " competition ");

  7. 今年的北京马拉松赛参赛选手有尿将不得不憋着,或者找个私密点的地方解决,否则将被取消比赛资格。

    This year 's Beijing Marathon runners who need to take a leak will have to hold it or find somewhere private to go -- unless they want to be disqualified .

  8. 对此我深有体会。在2009年北京马拉松赛中,我在大约36公里处遭遇了运动员所说的“碰壁”经历,苦不堪言。

    And sure enough , in2009 , at around the36 kilometre point of the Beijing Marathon I experienced what runners call'hitting the wall ' – which is about as unpleasant as it sounds .

  9. 北京马拉松是国际田联认证的与伦敦、巴黎等赛事齐名的国际金标赛事,也是国内规格最高、办赛时间最久和最有影响力的国际体育赛事之一。

    Beijing is IAAF certified marathon and the London , Paris and other famous international gold standard tournament matches , is also the highest level , longest run game and the most influential international sporting events .

  10. 北京马拉松组委会办公室一位接电话的女士证实,的确有这项规定,她还称2014年马拉松的预登记工作将在本周启动。北京马拉松比赛将在10月19日举行。

    A woman answering the phone at the organizing committee of the Beijing Marathon office confirmed the regulation and said pre-registration for the 2014 Marathon , which will take place on October 19 , opens this week .

  11. 北京马拉松赛事运作主要的劣势是赛事资金投入,市场营销的程度,赛事服务质量,赛事观赏性不够缺乏影响力。

    Beijing marathon operation of the main disadvantage is the lack of capital investment event , the extent of marketing needs to be improved , competition is not high quality of service , not a lack of spectator events influence .

  12. 第五,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛和2005年北京国际马拉松赛组织的案例分析,提出了对我国市场型和混合型组织结构模式的启示。

    Fifth , from the sample analysis of the CBA league in the 2004-2005 seasons and the 2005 Beijing international Marathon Game , the author puts forward the detailed proposals on the sports events organization structure of the market-oriented type and the mixed-oriented type .

  13. 气象条件与北京国际马拉松比赛成绩的关系

    Relationship between Weather Conditions and Athletes ' Performance in Beijing International Marathon

  14. 2005年北京国际马拉松比赛猝死事件给我们的思考

    Consideration on the Sudden Death in the 2005 Beijing International Marathon Race

  15. 天气条件对马拉松跑的影响:北京国际马拉松比赛调查分析

    Effect of Meteorological Condition on Marathon Performance : An Investigation and Analysis on Beijing International Marathon Races

  16. 第34届北京国际马拉松赛有了新名称,一些感到沮丧的选手称之为:霾拉松。

    The 34th Beijing International Marathon has acquired a new name among some disappointed participants : Smogathon .

  17. 对北京国际马拉松比赛成绩与天气条件的相关性进行了定量分析。

    The relationships between the results of Beijing International Marathon Races and the corresponding meteorological condition are analyzed quantatively in this paper .

  18. 留英同学网正在组织留英校友参加一年一度的北京国际马拉松比赛,该比赛是由中国田径协会组织的世界闻名的体育赛事。

    Alumni UK is organising a team of UK Alumni to participate in the2005 Beijing International Marathon Competition , a famous annual sports event organised by China Athletics Association .

  19. 比如,埃塞俄比亚马拉松世界记录保持者格布雷塞拉西5月宣布了他将不参加北京的马拉松比赛。格布雷塞拉西有哮喘病,他担心北京的空气质量可能会影响他的健康。

    Back in May , the marathon world record holder Haile Gebrselassie , who suffers from asthma , confirmed that he would skip the games for fear of Beijing smog .

  20. 继续举办北京春季长跑活动暨国际长跑节、北京马拉松长跑比赛等传统体育赛事。

    The Beijing Spring Long-distance Running Event , International Long-distance Running Festival , the Beijing Marathon and other traditional sports events shall continue to be held as always .