
  • 网络Parliament of Canada;House of Commons;Canada Parliament;Parliament Hill;Council
  1. 正面有加拿大总理罗伯特-博登一大一小的两幅肖像,小的金属的肖像在透明的材质上,头像下方还有加拿大国会和平塔的图像。

    There are now two portraits of Prime Minister Robert Borden & a large one on the face of the bill and a smaller , metallic one in the clear band running through the note , above an image of Parliament Hill 's Peace Tower .

  2. 这位就是凯文·维克斯,他目前担任加拿大国会警卫官,负责国会众议院安全。

    This is Kevin Vickers . He is the sergeant-at-arms in Canada 's parliament .

  3. 在国会大厦里,几名加拿大国会议员发布推特称一名警卫将出现的枪手击毙。

    Inside the parliament building , several Canadian lawmakers tweeted that a guard killed the gunman there .

  4. 一起发生在加拿大国会大厦战争纪念馆附近,另一起是在国会大厦。

    One was at the Canadian War Memorial , near the country 's parliament building , another was inside parliament .

  5. 加拿大渥太华的国会大厦内紧张程度仍然很高。

    Tensions remain high around the Canadian Parliament Building in Ottawa .

  6. 向墨西哥和加拿大承诺:争取国会快速通过北美自由贸易区协定将是贸易工作的重中之重。

    Oslash ; A pledge to Mexico and Canada to seek rapid congressional approval of the North American Free-Trade Agreement as the highest trade priority .

  7. 加拿大的官员正在加拿大国会大厦和周围悼念在周三的枪击混乱中被杀的士兵。

    Officials in Canada are mourning the death of a solider killed Wednesday in a shooting rampage in Ottawa , in and around the country 's Parliament Building .