
  1. 智慧的云南先民为我们留下了极具价值的剑川木雕,它发展到今天,面临着现代文明的挑战。

    Yunnan ancients have given us the valuable woodcarving in Jianchuan , today , it 's facing with the challenge of modem civilization .

  2. 第一章介绍了中国木雕的一些情况,作为介绍剑川白族木雕的工艺及其艺术研究的对比性分析材料;

    First chapter briefed Chinese woodcarving some situations , As introduces the Jianchuan Bai national woodcarving the craft and its the artistic research relative property analysis material .

  3. 云南剑川白族木雕是白族人民在长期的生产、生活实践中不断创造和积累起来的一类内容丰富的实用工艺美术。

    The Jianchuan Bai national woodcarving is the Bai national people a technology and art which in the long-term production , the life practice create unceasingly and accumulate .

  4. 剑川白族木雕产品千百年来一直恪守着白族传统文化观念与民族审美风格,形成了一系列凝结着白族传统文化的造型、图案、技艺,成为了文化意蕴相对稳定的民族文化符号。

    Thousands of years has followed Bai traditional cultural values and national aesthetic style , as a symbol of national culture , Jianchuan Bai wood products form a series of shape , design , craft and relatively stable cultural implication , which condensate the traditional culture of the Bai People .